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Gaahhhhh I want to do your Iran exam :grin: What Iran topics have you covered then?

Do me a favour.

Say something encouraging.
Do me a favour.

Say something encouraging.

You're gonna be awesommmmmmeeee. Just keep working hard, hang in there and you'll do well :grin:
*Throw up*
Reply 5263
It sounds like it's breaking when I step on it! I mean, it doesn't help that I'm elephant sized, but sure;y that's not right.


Having seen an elephant and you I see no comparison!

Having seen an elephant and you I see no comparison!

I know, I dwarf it.:frown::p:

I haven't seen you around much this semester; Nitzy has been in hiding. Then again, I haven't been around much, so maybe I'm in hiding?:s

How are you?
Reply 5265
I know, I dwarf it.:frown::p:

I haven't seen you around much this semester; Nitzy has been in hiding. Then again, I haven't been around much, so maybe I'm in hiding?:s

How are you?

Yeah you've been in hiding! Besides no one notices me anyway. :emo:

I'm good, just did an exam this morning and it was easy! :love: Shame I can't say the same for Thursdays exam. Hows exams going?
Yeah you've been in hiding! Besides no one notices me anyway.

I'm good, just did an exam this morning and it was easy! Shame I can't say the same for Thursdays exam. Hows exams going?

Oooh nice, which exam was it?

Friday's exam was terrible :mad:
Yeah you've been in hiding! Besides no one notices me anyway. :emo:

I'm good, just did an exam this morning and it was easy! :love: Shame I can't say the same for Thursdays exam. Hows exams going?

I noticed you in the computer room, oh yes I did!

Well done on the exam!
Reply 5268
Oooh nice, which exam was it?

Friday's exam was terrible :mad:

Membrane biochemistry. What was Friday's exam on?

I noticed you in the computer room, oh yes I did!

Well done on the exam!

Yeah you did, but there were other times you didn't see me! :p:
Membrane biochemistry. What was Friday's exam on?

Yeah you did, but there were other times you didn't see me! :p:

Yeah, but you should have poked me!
Membrane biochemistry. What was Friday's exam on?

Sounds fun, biochemistry is hawt :teeth:

Cell dynamics and all that nonsense :mad:
Reply 5271
Yeah, but you should have poked me!

I felt lazy to put effort into poking unless you came to me. :p: But there was that time carrers fair where we bruched passed each other and you didn't notice me then either!

Sounds fun, biochemistry is hawt :teeth:

Cell dynamics and all that nonsense :mad:

Urgh I hated that paper, thank goodness for question spotting! But I'm sure you did fine though! :yep:

Metabolic pathways is true biochemistry and thats a nightmare! I want the Urea cycle to come up and I'll be happy!

Urgh I hated that paper, thank goodness for question spotting! But I'm sure you did fine though!

Metabolic pathways is true biochemistry and thats a nightmare! I want the Urea cycle to come up and I'll be happy!

I'm scared of question spotting, what if it goes terrible wrong and backfires?
I felt lazy to put effort into poking unless you came to me. :p: But there was that time carrers fair where we bruched passed each other and you didn't notice me then either!

Urgh I hated that paper, thank goodness for question spotting! But I'm sure you did fine though! :yep:

Metabolic pathways is true biochemistry and thats a nightmare! I want the Urea cycle to come up and I'll be happy!

Lol, erm...erm...erm...*tries to think of an excuse*...I was chasing freebies!

Eep, I've jsut eaten a massive revision cake; but haven't done a stroke of revision yet.:ninja:
Reply 5274
I'm scared of question spotting, what if it goes terrible wrong and backfires?

It was easier to do it last year, I wished they didn't change the format for 2nd years seeing as next year we do 3 essay questions. :rolleyes: I'll tell you if it goes wrong on Thursday as it's the only exam I've done nothing for. :p:

Lol, erm...erm...erm...*tries to think of an excuse*...I was chasing freebies!

Eep, I've jsut eaten a massive revision cake; but haven't done a stroke of revision yet.:ninja:

Cake! I want sommme, I ate all the chocolate I had. :frown:
I should be revising right now but I feel like I deserve a break after today. :ninja:
I see what you guys mean about the sports hall, wtf is that floor? I swear it sounded like this guy was gonna fall through it.


1 more exam. Then I can stop stressing about not revising.
I still have 4 exams to go! :bawling:
I still have 4 exams to go! :bawling:

I only had 4 exams altogether!

Tbh, this year has been easier than A level! (Watch me do crap anyway..)

Seriously, each exam has 10/12 questions. You only have to answer 3. Each question on a different unit (and the units aren't even that long themselves).

There's only 12 units. So pretty much everyone gets away with revising 3 units, because you know they will come up. Possibly 4, in case one is horrible. It's really bizarre. If there were like 5 questions to choose from, this would be ******* hard, but there's so many questions you kinda can't fail. You know what you study will come up.
The content was pretty easy, the 2 exams i've had so far were quite horrendous, I think tomorrow is going to be okay and I guess friday won't be too terrible. Monday's gonna suck (by the way - it's my birthday so I'm gonna be in spoons afterwards if anyone wants to come along..) and so will identites on the 29th :'(

I'm gonna be lucky to get more than a bare pass for this year :frown:
I see what you guys mean about the sports hall, wtf is that floor? I swear it sounded like this guy was gonna fall through it.


1 more exam. Then I can stop stressing about not revising.

It is actually the most ridiculous flooring in the world, and I'm sure it wasn't there before. Maybe it's a temporar thing so the floors aren't scratched by the chairs; I don't imagine much sport could go on on that!