The Student Room Group

Biology calculation

Tests on the man whose blood was used to construct Figure 8 gave the following data.
Concentration of haemoglobin in blood = 150 g dm^-3.
Volume of oxygen carried by fully saturated haemoglobin = 1.35 cm^3 g^-1.
Resting heart rate = 60 beats per minute.
Volume of blood pumped out of left ventricle every beat = 60 cm^3.

Use these data and information from Figure 8 to calculate the volume of oxygen released to the man's tissues per minute whilst he was at rest.

(Asks for answer in dm^3)
I can't find an official mark scheme answer but according to a quizlet set mine is wrong. I did this:
saturation of Hb with oxygen (which will then be released to tissues)= 38%
Oxygen saturation: (38/100)x1.35=0.513 cm^3g^-1
haemoglobin volume:0.150x3600=540gmin^-1
then finally the volume of oxygen =540x1.35=729cm^3min^-1

The percentage saturation seems quite high but I really don't see how it can be much lower on the graph (attached)
(edited 3 years ago)
Oxygen saturation: (38/100)x1.35=0.513 cm^3g^-1
haemoglobin volume:0.150x3600=540gmin^-1
then finally the volume of oxygen =540x 0.513 =277cm^3min^-1
Original post by deskochan
Oxygen saturation: (38/100)x1.35=0.513 cm^3g^-1
haemoglobin volume:0.150x3600=540gmin^-1
then finally the volume of oxygen =540x 0.513 =277cm^3min^-1

oops yeah that's what i meant
Reply 3
Original post by learningizk00l
oops yeah that's what i meant

Volume of blood leaving heart = (0.6 × 0.6) dm3 minute−1 = 3.6 dm3 minute-1
Mass of haemoglobin in this volume of blood = (3.6 × 150) g = 540g
Volume of oxygen at 100% saturation of this haemoglobin = (540 × 1.35) = 729 cm3
The graph shows 60% of this volume of oxygen has been released to the tissues, so final answer is (729 × 0.6) = 437.4 cm3 minute −1

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