The Student Room Group

Working at Primark 1st day

Im starting my first day working at primark tomorrow. I was just curious what tasks would i be asked to do. I’m starting between 3-7 on Saturday and 1-5 on Sunday. I was told I’d be on the ground (shop floor) sorting out returns? What does that mean? Will I be on the till or will I be putting the returned items somewhere and sorting out clothes? Im just really stressed as I wasn’t really told what I’d be doing or what “department/zone” I’m in charge of e.g. accessories or men’s wear etc. Someone please help :smile:

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Good luck! You'll probably get a headset and will be (partly, since there's usually a couple on the ground floor returns team) responsible for taking items from behind the tills that belong to another floor, putting them on a rail or in a box (tote), and calling other floors' return teams to meet them in the back (mini-stock room) area to swap items so you give them their stuff, and they give you your stuff, and then putting the stuff you've received back out on your floor. It's a fast-paced and tricky job to get the hang of, but I'm sure you'll be well supported by other people on the returns team.

It's a different job to simply being responsible for a zone (or department), which mainly consists of keeping the zone tidy and fetching stock.

I should finish by saying I've only been working at my store for over a month but I'm genuinely really enjoying it! The people are great and the job really is the right level of pace.
Original post by danconway
Good luck! You'll probably get a headset and will be (partly, since there's usually a couple on the ground floor returns team) responsible for taking items from behind the tills that belong to another floor, putting them on a rail or in a box (tote), and calling other floors' return teams to meet them in the back (mini-stock room) area to swap items so you give them their stuff, and they give you your stuff, and then putting the stuff you've received back out on your floor. It's a fast-paced and tricky job to get the hang of, but I'm sure you'll be well supported by other people on the returns team.

It's a different job to simply being responsible for a zone (or department), which mainly consists of keeping the zone tidy and fetching stock.

I should finish by saying I've only been working at my store for over a month but I'm genuinely really enjoying it! The people are great and the job really is the right level of pace.

Hi thank you so much for this! It’s exactly what I’ve done today so thanks for the heads up, I really enjoyed it but because it was my first day everyone seemed to do everything so quickly and I was so behind haha, but I got the hang of it in the end. Doing another shift tomorrow 13:00-17:00 :smile: thank you again!
No worries! Glad you’re enjoying it and hope it all goes well. Feel free to message if you wanna know anything else! :smile:
How did you get a job there?
Original post by Becausethefool
How did you get a job there?

I applied on the actual primark careers website, uploaded my cv and cover letter and done an online test which determines whether you get an interview or not. I passed the test and had my interview within the next 2 days and then I got a call a day later saying I got accepted for the job. Hope this helps :smile:
Original post by KlaudiaR2002
I applied on the actual primark careers website, uploaded my cv and cover letter and done an online test which determines whether you get an interview or not. I passed the test and had my interview within the next 2 days and then I got a call a day later saying I got accepted for the job. Hope this helps :smile:

How did you get the confirmation that you passed the online test???
Original post by danconway
No worries! Glad you’re enjoying it and hope it all goes well. Feel free to message if you wanna know anything else! :smile:

Aw that’s really nice of you! Definitely will, thank youu! :smile:
Original post by Becausethefool
How did you get the confirmation that you passed the online test???

I don’t think you get an exact confirmation, if you get a call from them that’s when you know you’ve passed the test. They’ll call to arrange an interview.
Original post by KlaudiaR2002
I don’t think you get an exact confirmation, if you get a call from them that’s when you know you’ve passed the test. They’ll call to arrange an interview.

I did it on 17th June and no updates. Guess I ve been rejected then?
Original post by Becausethefool
How did you get the confirmation that you passed the online test???

I haven’t personally received any confirmation I just had a phone call 2 days later explaining that I’ve passed the online test and they liked my cv and would like to have an interview with me. So I believe the phone call to arrange the interview is your confirmation.
Original post by KlaudiaR2002
I haven’t personally received any confirmation I just had a phone call 2 days later explaining that I’ve passed the online test and they liked my cv and would like to have an interview with me. So I believe the phone call to arrange the interview is your confirmation.

Do you have retail experience? I don't except I started volunteering at oxfam shops since last week
Original post by Becausethefool
Do you have retail experience? I don't except I started volunteering at oxfam shops since last week

Nope I have none at all, I have only worked in primary schools and nursery’s before so this is my first retail job. I’ve asked at the end of my interview if they had any concerns based on the fact I have no experience and they said no as I can easily learn on the job and this can help me gain the experience I need.
Original post by KlaudiaR2002
Nope I have none at all, I have only worked in primary schools and nursery’s before so this is my first retail job. I’ve asked at the end of my interview if they had any concerns based on the fact I have no experience and they said no as I can easily learn on the job and this can help me gain the experience I need.

Well you have worked in schools so I guess that's why. They didn't call so I'm rejected obvio
Original post by Becausethefool
I did it on 17th June and no updates. Guess I ve been rejected then?

I suggest trying to apply again and do a test again or maybe even apply to another primark? I applied for part time.
Original post by KlaudiaR2002
I suggest trying to apply again and do a test again or maybe even apply to another primark? I applied for part time.

I also applied for part time. Will oxfam shop assistant volunteering strengthen my cv?
Original post by Becausethefool
I also applied for part time. Will oxfam shop assistant volunteering strengthen my cv?

Yea I believe so and definitely look online for some practice retail questions. I think the test is the big part of the application process.
Original post by KlaudiaR2002
Yea I believe so and definitely look online for some practice retail questions. I think the test is the big part of the application process.

OK thanks
Original post by KlaudiaR2002
I applied on the actual primark careers website, uploaded my cv and cover letter and done an online test which determines whether you get an interview or not. I passed the test and had my interview within the next 2 days and then I got a call a day later saying I got accepted for the job. Hope this helps :smile:

I really struggle with the assessment that’s why I haven’t been getting an interview at primark. My Primark will be opening another one soon for the Christmas period I think and I want to work there. I got a second job right now but it’s temp and I’d love to work at Primark. I know they’re help students a lot.
Original post by Pro Gamer 2003
I really struggle with the assessment that’s why I haven’t been getting an interview at primark. My Primark will be opening another one soon for the Christmas period I think and I want to work there. I got a second job right now but it’s temp and I’d love to work at Primark. I know they’re help students a lot.

Hiya, definitely do retail practice questions online. The assessment isn’t too bad just keep practicing. I’ve never worked in retail so I was surprised to even pass the assessment myself, I promise it’ll get easier. Primark so far has been a really good place to work at, I’m really enjoying it. They really do help out students, they always have opportunities for you to make more money and do over time and pick up extra shifts if you’re happy with it. Definitely keep trying, hope you end up getting the job🤞🏼.

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