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Do guys think redheads are hot

I'm a redhead and find myself getting ignored by guys, and I know it isn't because of my appearance because girls tell me all time they wish they had my curvy body.
I don't think you can generalise - all guys will have different preferences and tbh I doubt hair colour is a dealbreaker for many people.
There may be other reasons, like not sharing common interests or you coming across as aloof?
Sure I don't mind it but I also don't have a preference towards any hair colours.
the Vixen on The Chase is a redhead... she is very attractive :yep:
I don't get the point of any of these kind of threads asking if guys/girls find certain physical attributes attractive.

There is nothing wrong with you, your red hair is not the problem.

You've just drawn that conclusion from your experience so far. Some guys will like you, and some won't (and that's never personal). It's all subjective. And yeah physical attraction is of course a factor in attraction, but there's also a lot more to it.
Original post by jennabug
I'm a redhead and find myself getting ignored by guys, and I know it isn't because of my appearance because girls tell me all time they wish they had my curvy body.

Guys not giving you too much attention doesnt mean you are not beatiful. You can have great looking hair and sexy body but people are more complex than that. I would search for some diffrent reasons. Maybe you dont appear confident? Or maybe too intimidating? Maybe guys around you have diffrent tastes? Have you shown interest in a guy or are you just passivly waiting for someone to like your looks and approach you?
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous
Guys not giving you too much attention doesnt mean you are not beatiful. You can have great looking hair and sexy body but people are more complex than that. I would search for some diffrent reasons. Maybe you dont appear confident? Or maybe too intimidating? Maybe guys around you have diffrent tastes? Have you shown interest in a guy or are you just passivly waiting for someone to like your looks and approach you?

I'm a very confident person and I show interest in the guys I'm into.
Reply 7
I know ya'll think it's stupid and tiring to see the same old subject asking if someone likes this about people and stuff, but I'm not just asking in plain curiosity, I'm also asking because this has become a real problem for me and other people who have insecurities in this world.
Ummm, Tbh if you are hot, you are hot.
Hair color, skin color and etc doesn't matter.
Original post by jennabug
I know ya'll think it's stupid and tiring to see the same old subject asking if someone likes this about people and stuff, but I'm not just asking in plain curiosity, I'm also asking because this has become a real problem for me and other people who have insecurities in this world.

It's not really stupid but your insecurities won't go away if you read here positive, affirming replies. I find redheads really attractive but why would you even care? I am a faceless guy on the internet, 55 year old and 390 pounds.

Point is whatever you read on here, your insecurities won't go away. With absolute certainty.
What are you talking about? I absolutely love red hair, especially if it's natural.
Tends to be a hit or miss for me, either not attractive at all or extremely hot.
It's down to personal preferences. I find black hair much more pretty.
Original post by jennabug
I'm a redhead and find myself getting ignored by guys, and I know it isn't because of my appearance because girls tell me all time they wish they had my curvy body.

1) Guys don't date girls for their bodies so girls saying they want your body is irrelevent
2) Maybe they're just saying that to make u feel good
3) Maybe if you are actually that good looking they are intimidated by you
4) Finally just like any other hair colour some are found hot and some are not and every guy has different preferences like there is atleast 1 person out there who thinks your hot for sure
(edited 3 years ago)
There are many reasons why you might not have found that many people expressing attraction to you, including just blind luck. Being curvy isn't usually a sufficient condition for people to be attracted to you. Being a ginger myself which I have found tends to make me stand out a bit more especially since moving to England where it's rarer than at home. It's not for everyone but several people have told me it's a nice feature including my partner who has a preference for gingers.
Sexual attraction dealbreakers, beauty standards and relationship preferences vary a lot between different people.
Some guys do view redheads as sexually attractive or very good lookng, while other's don't.
My father has only ever dated red haired women.

Don't worry.
There are plenty of single guys in the dating sea.
Plenty of whom you are yet to meet, offline or online.
Good luck!
Reply 16
Original post by jennabug
I'm a redhead and find myself getting ignored by guys, and I know it isn't because of my appearance because girls tell me all time they wish they had my curvy body.

They are just intimidated by you silly.
how curvy is your body?
Problems are
1) your face
2) the way you dress and your style
3) your personality

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