The Student Room Group

Physician Associate Surrey

Hi, anyone accepted or considering accepting an offer from Surrey to study Physician Associate in September? I was just wondering what you think of entry requirements?
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, anyone accepted or considering accepting an offer from Surrey to study Physician Associate in September? I was just wondering what you think of entry requirements?

Hi there,

It's great to hear you have applied to Surrey and received an offer. If you have any questions about Surrey or uni life in general, then please ask as I am here to help you out :smile:

Reply 2
Original post by University of Surrey Student Rep
Hi there,

It's great to hear you have applied to Surrey and received an offer. If you have any questions about Surrey or uni life in general, then please ask as I am here to help you out :smile:


Thanks for getting back to me! I think I'm going to accept the offer as I really like the uni and the facilities for my course. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is the entry requirements. On the website it says you need at least 2.2 and other unis are only accepting 2.1. Are the entry requirements a reflection of the quality or standards of the course?
Original post by Anonymous
Thanks for getting back to me! I think I'm going to accept the offer as I really like the uni and the facilities for my course. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is the entry requirements. On the website it says you need at least 2.2 and other unis are only accepting 2.1. Are the entry requirements a reflection of the quality or standards of the course?

Hi there,
To introduce myself I’m Joao, starting next semester I will be in my final year studying BSc Economics at Surrey University. I recently finished my one-year industrial placement as an Economist for the British Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). I also had the opportunity to work as a Private Secretary of the Minister for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity Lord Benyon.

I have done some reach about the quality of your course and this is what I found: On successful completion of our PGDip Physician Associate Studies course, you can take the National Assessment for Physician Associates, which will allow you to practise clinically in the UK. This is set by the Faculty of Physician Associates at the Royal College of Physicians in London. Since 2018, our students have had a 100% pass rate for the written element of the assessment.All our alumni have gone on to work as physician associates in primary and secondary care settings, specialising in areas including acute medicine, emergency healthcare and neurology. Some of our first graduates from 2018, based in these settings, are now helping to teach clinical skills to our current students, sharing their experiences and knowledge of working as newly qualified physician associates.

You will find career prospects for graduates are excellent in the UK. The UK Government has announced that it wants 1,000 physician associates available to work in general practice by 2020. Studying to become a Physician Associate puts you in a great position, especially because of the predicted growth of physician associate roles across the NHS to fill important gaps in resources. By becoming a Physician Associate, you will progress in a position that is supported by the NHS and the Department of Health. Over 30 hospitals across the UK currently employ physician associates, and these numbers continue to grow at a promising rate. We, while working in collaboration with our partners, will help transform you into a Physician Associate who can make their mark in primary as well as secondary care.

I hope you find this useful :smile:

Reply 4
Original post by University of Surrey Student Rep
Hi there,
To introduce myself I’m Joao, starting next semester I will be in my final year studying BSc Economics at Surrey University. I recently finished my one-year industrial placement as an Economist for the British Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). I also had the opportunity to work as a Private Secretary of the Minister for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity Lord Benyon.

I have done some reach about the quality of your course and this is what I found: On successful completion of our PGDip Physician Associate Studies course, you can take the National Assessment for Physician Associates, which will allow you to practise clinically in the UK. This is set by the Faculty of Physician Associates at the Royal College of Physicians in London. Since 2018, our students have had a 100% pass rate for the written element of the assessment.All our alumni have gone on to work as physician associates in primary and secondary care settings, specialising in areas including acute medicine, emergency healthcare and neurology. Some of our first graduates from 2018, based in these settings, are now helping to teach clinical skills to our current students, sharing their experiences and knowledge of working as newly qualified physician associates.

You will find career prospects for graduates are excellent in the UK. The UK Government has announced that it wants 1,000 physician associates available to work in general practice by 2020. Studying to become a Physician Associate puts you in a great position, especially because of the predicted growth of physician associate roles across the NHS to fill important gaps in resources. By becoming a Physician Associate, you will progress in a position that is supported by the NHS and the Department of Health. Over 30 hospitals across the UK currently employ physician associates, and these numbers continue to grow at a promising rate. We, while working in collaboration with our partners, will help transform you into a Physician Associate who can make their mark in primary as well as secondary care.

I hope you find this useful :smile:


Thank you so much! It has been really helpful, especially knowing about the amazing pass rate for the national exam! I'm a bit more confident about what to do now. Again thanks a lot and take care :smile:
Hello,I’m waiting to hear if I get an interview or offer. I still haven’t heard anything !
Reply 6
Original post by Missytrent
Hello,I’m waiting to hear if I get an interview or offer. I still haven’t heard anything !

That's really stressful! I had the same situation with portsmouth uni taking ages to post interview dates, they still haven't so I think I'm going to go to Surrey. Could you call admissions maybe and ask about the delay? I'm more than happy to chat about our experiences or anything in general if you'd like :smile:
Reply 7
Heyyy , did you end up in Surrey at the end? I’m applying this year I’ve got a interview soon I was just wondering what the timetable is like? Is it full 5 days of uni? Including one day at clinical placement? Thanks in advance
Hi No i accepted the offer from uni of portsmouth sorry
Reply 9
Original post by University of Surrey Student Rep
Hi there,
To introduce myself I’m Joao, starting next semester I will be in my final year studying BSc Economics at Surrey University. I recently finished my one-year industrial placement as an Economist for the British Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). I also had the opportunity to work as a Private Secretary of the Minister for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity Lord Benyon.

I have done some reach about the quality of your course and this is what I found: On successful completion of our PGDip Physician Associate Studies course, you can take the National Assessment for Physician Associates, which will allow you to practise clinically in the UK. This is set by the Faculty of Physician Associates at the Royal College of Physicians in London. Since 2018, our students have had a 100% pass rate for the written element of the assessment.All our alumni have gone on to work as physician associates in primary and secondary care settings, specialising in areas including acute medicine, emergency healthcare and neurology. Some of our first graduates from 2018, based in these settings, are now helping to teach clinical skills to our current students, sharing their experiences and knowledge of working as newly qualified physician associates.

You will find career prospects for graduates are excellent in the UK. The UK Government has announced that it wants 1,000 physician associates available to work in general practice by 2020. Studying to become a Physician Associate puts you in a great position, especially because of the predicted growth of physician associate roles across the NHS to fill important gaps in resources. By becoming a Physician Associate, you will progress in a position that is supported by the NHS and the Department of Health. Over 30 hospitals across the UK currently employ physician associates, and these numbers continue to grow at a promising rate. We, while working in collaboration with our partners, will help transform you into a Physician Associate who can make their mark in primary as well as secondary care.

I hope you find this useful :smile:


Hi Joao,

I am looking to study at the university of Surrey but as a post graduate student I will have to fund the PA masters my self, are there any scholarships/ bursaries to help with this.

Also I will be moving to Surrey with my partner and as you may be aware the cost of living in Surrey is very high. Will I get any financial support from the university?

Kind regards

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