The Student Room Group

What happens after you make out with a friend?

Please keep anon as I know people who use this site regularly!

Basically there's this guy friend who I like. The other day him and I were watching a film, afterwards we kind of kissed and made out in the dark. This was around 2am. After that I went back to my room (live in halls).

The next morning he's (and I) pretending nothing has happened. However I have noticed he is being distant with me, and doesn't knock on my door so we can have dinner at the same time as we usually do. I have tried to be as normal as possible, so when we are with other people everything seems fine but I think he is trying to avoid being alone with me. Like instead of staying in the room to talk to me he goes away quickly.

Because I like him this is making me quite upset. I am wondering if this has happened to any of you and what happened afterwards?

Right now I don't know how I should act toward him. I am being normal with him but I don't know how to get him to be comfortable around me again. Also does this mean he really doesn't like me in that way?

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Happened to me a few nights ago. But in a much more public manner...the teasing still hasn't stopped :P
Basicly this morning we sat down, and worked out what it meant to us (Whereby I lied, saying as long as stuff wasn't awkard, im happy...cos i didnt wanna be vunerable and say I liked him, only to be rejected >.> i'm so lame) and promised it wouldn't mess up our friendship, and everything is ok..I hope. We shall see :3
Hope it goes ok for you!

((anon for obvious reasons...don't want my lies exposed :wink: ))
Reply 2
you get pregnant
you get diseases.
Reply 4
OP maybe he likes you too but if your in the same flat then its kinda a BAD idea if you two somehow don't work out and end on bad terms. Maybe hes thinking across those lines
Reply 5
you get diseases.

eww cooties
Reply 6
you get diseases.

you get pregnant

LOL :shifty:
eww cooties

like yo face :plz2:
Reply 8
like yo face :plz2:

haha nice one
ur mum
ur mum

Seriously OP just talk to the guy.
He's just trying to hide any feelings for you, and it's obvious to you that he is. Maybe text him and invite him over again, see if he wants to.
Or maybe sorry for this, maybe because he thought that it was a mistake and never should have happened and is feeling bad that he is now giving you false hope. Just a thought though.
Reply 13
Or maybe sorry for this, maybe because he thought that it was a mistake and never should have happened and is feeling bad that he is now giving you false hope. Just a thought though.

Yeah, I have a feeling it's this one. Something like that. I never got the feeling he liked me in that way and I'm more certain of that now.
Reply 14
ERm usually communication is the key.

Try talking to him? he is male we like to talk straight up about things.

Don't ASSUME what he thinks, cos you'll make an Ass out of yourself, go talk to the guy.
he is male we like to talk straight up about things.

don't lie, you just prefer to avoid confontation!
He probably likes you.

Knock on his door with just a coat on.

Can't go wrong.
Either he acts like it never happened but is completely fine with speaking to you and there's no awkwardness (usually seems to happen if the guy goes around kissing a lot of girl friends)


Things are awkward and this takes forever to reverse itself, if it ever does.
Whippin' Piccadilly
He probably likes you.

Knock on his door with just a coat on.

Can't go wrong.

What if it's the opposite and thats why he's avoiding her?

Still, the coat thing could still work..
Where shoes too though. Heels.
Heels are a given. Strappy ones.

I highly doubt a girl who he considers a friend, when after kissing them he would avoid her because he doesn't like her, unless he's a ****. So ask yourself: Is he a ****? If the answer is no, he likes you and he's feeling awkward about the whole situation.