Please keep anon as I know people who use this site regularly!
Basically there's this guy friend who I like. The other day him and I were watching a film, afterwards we kind of kissed and made out in the dark. This was around 2am. After that I went back to my room (live in halls).
The next morning he's (and I) pretending nothing has happened. However I have noticed he is being distant with me, and doesn't knock on my door so we can have dinner at the same time as we usually do. I have tried to be as normal as possible, so when we are with other people everything seems fine but I think he is trying to avoid being alone with me. Like instead of staying in the room to talk to me he goes away quickly.
Because I like him this is making me quite upset. I am wondering if this has happened to any of you and what happened afterwards?
Right now I don't know how I should act toward him. I am being normal with him but I don't know how to get him to be comfortable around me again. Also does this mean he really doesn't like me in that way?