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Which uni is better for law LLB? Essex vs London? Online bachelors degree.

Hi everyone, is someone can help me I’d really appreciate it. I’m still deciding between studying Law as an online degree at the University of London or University of Essex. Has anyone done either of those degrees or heard things about either? Which one is considered ‘better’?
Do people consider online degrees as worse? I’ll still get the same qualification as everyone else.
If I go to London I’d just be doing Law but at Essex I’m thinking of doin Law with Criminology or Psychology.

Any advice or help is appreciated:smile:
(edited 3 years ago)
Reply 1
Im also considering the same, so would love if anyone has inputs on either of the degrees.

I’ve done some research and in terms of recognition and final qualification both are good options.

Im interested on knowing the quality of the materials throughout the course and online support.
Reply 2
Original post by tlmsgrad
Im also considering the same, so would love if anyone has inputs on either of the degrees.

I’ve done some research and in terms of recognition and final qualification both are good options.

Im interested on knowing the quality of the materials throughout the course and online support.

Yeah me too. It'd be good to have input of some current students. I'm currently leaning more towards Essex just because from some older posts that I've read people said that a lot of students fail exams at UoL and that it's extremely difficult to get a 2:1 or a 1st. however those posts were years old so the current situation and support might be different.
Reply 3
I had no idea you could even do all of this online. I'm quite intrigued and would love to know more!
Original post by dangerbby
Hi everyone, is someone can help me I’d really appreciate it. I’m still deciding between studying Law as an online degree at the University of London or University of Essex. Has anyone done either of those degrees or heard things about either? Which one is considered ‘better’?
Do people consider online degrees as worse? I’ll still get the same qualification as everyone else.
If I go to London I’d just be doing Law but at Essex I’m thinking of doin Law with Criminology or Psychology.

Any advice or help is appreciated:smile:

Hi, I’m in my second year of my LLB at the University of London, and it’s quite bad. If you’re studying as an independent student without a study centre, it’s very difficult to get a good grade. Overall it’s very difficult to get a 2:1 on an exam, I’ve only gotten it on one exam and most of my peers likewise. Honestly getting anything over a 58 is a miracle. Your entire grade is based on one exam, and it’s really not worth it, especially if you want to get a training contract in London (most places require a high 2:1 or a First Class.). I think studying online is always tricky, but if you ask the majority of LLB students from UoL they’ll have an entire list of cons.
Go for Essex online! It’s really good and there’s student support unlike UOL
Original post by dangerbby
Hi everyone, is someone can help me I’d really appreciate it. I’m still deciding between studying Law as an online degree at the University of London or University of Essex. Has anyone done either of those degrees or heard things about either? Which one is considered ‘better’?
Do people consider online degrees as worse? I’ll still get the same qualification as everyone else.
If I go to London I’d just be doing Law but at Essex I’m thinking of doin Law with Criminology or Psychology.

Any advice or help is appreciated:smile:

Go for Essex online! It’s really good and there’s student support unlike UOL
1. It is not as good.
2. Look at linked in profiles of trainee solicitors at firms where you may want to work (if you want to become a solicitor) and see where they studied to get a good idea of what is needed.
Original post by dangerbby
Hi everyone, is someone can help me I’d really appreciate it. I’m still deciding between studying Law as an online degree at the University of London or University of Essex. Has anyone done either of those degrees or heard things about either? Which one is considered ‘better’?
Do people consider online degrees as worse? I’ll still get the same qualification as everyone else.
If I go to London I’d just be doing Law but at Essex I’m thinking of doin Law with Criminology or Psychology.

Any advice or help is appreciated:smile:

Hi :smile:

I know you posted this a long time ago but in case it is useful for anyone, I highly recommend the University of Essex Online. I'm about to start my 3rd year in the LLB program and everything about the program is great - the admin team (which is super important for online programs), the professors are great and super helpful, and the way the content is taught is also great. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out!
Original post by mmm123456.
Go for Essex online! It’s really good and there’s student support unlike UOL

I agree! I registered for Essex after looking into the other programs and it was nearly impossible to communicate with them, but Essex is always great in this regard!
Original post by Eli_UoEOnline
Hi :smile:

I know you posted this a long time ago but in case it is useful for anyone, I highly recommend the University of Essex Online. I'm about to start my 3rd year in the LLB program and everything about the program is great - the admin team (which is super important for online programs), the professors are great and super helpful, and the way the content is taught is also great. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out!

How many assignments/tasks did you have for each module? I’ll hopefully be starting a Law with Business degree with them soon and I want to know because I work full-time too.
Original post by Taeraatutta
How many assignments/tasks did you have for each module? I’ll hopefully be starting a Law with Business degree with them soon and I want to know because I work full-time too.

Welcome to Essex !
In our website you can see how many assignments you will have through your 3 years with us.
Here is the link: LLB Law with Business - Law with Business Degree | University of Essex.
I hope this helps.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Cat- Essex Rep Team 😊

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