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I’m thinking of going to European university in Georgia to study medicine?

I’m a second year neuroscience student and I want to study medicine afterwards. I was looking online and I found Med link which they say that I can start this October in medicine at European university in Tbilisi Georgia starting from the second year as I completed two years of my degree.
If anyone studies medicine there or know someone who is, please give me advice.
My selling point for this is that I get to start one year early, it’s cheap and less competitive to get in unlike Uk.
Reply 1
Original post by Tlala
I’m a second year neuroscience student and I want to study medicine afterwards. I was looking online and I found Med link which they say that I can start this October in medicine at European university in Tbilisi Georgia starting from the second year as I completed two years of my degree.
If anyone studies medicine there or know someone who is, please give me advice.
My selling point for this is that I get to start one year early, it’s cheap and less competitive to get in unlike Uk.

Do you have the finances to pay the course and living fees up front and do you speak (or can learn pretty quickly) Georgian?
Moved to International Study :smile:
Reply 3
Yeah I do and for the language I can learn quickly.My only concern that is it worth it. Or should I get my bachelors degree and apply in the uk and if I don’t get it I could still go to Georgia, do you get me ?
Reply 4
Original post by Tlala
Yeah I do and for the language I can learn quickly.My only concern that is it worth it. Or should I get my bachelors degree and apply in the uk and if I don’t get it I could still go to Georgia, do you get me ?

If money is not an issue, why not consider Buckingham - they take most people who can afford the fees and is only a 4.5 years course?
I know nothing about medicine in Georgia, but you may get some responses from somebody who does
Reply 5
Hey, I might be starting my 4th semester at European University this October too. Im doing graduate entry.
Original post by Tlala
I’m a second year neuroscience student and I want to study medicine afterwards. I was looking online and I found Med link which they say that I can start this October in medicine at European university in Tbilisi Georgia starting from the second year as I completed two years of my degree.
If anyone studies medicine there or know someone who is, please give me advice.
My selling point for this is that I get to start one year early, it’s cheap and less competitive to get in unlike Uk.

in the end, did you go? If so, how are you finding it? If not, why not?
Reply 7
Original post by Anonymous
in the end, did you go? If so, how are you finding it? If not, why not?

Hey, I was also going to apply there but now the Uni is in grey list So I decided its better not to go there and also don't fall for any lie from the Uni or Medlinks as they will still try to get students to join them.
Reply 8
Hey, can you please elaborate on the grey list thing? Is it not worth it to go there and study?
Reply 9
Original post by hibaa21
Hey, can you please elaborate on the grey list thing? Is it not worth it to go there and study?

European University is on the grey list meaning that if you study there and get passing grades and your Credit hours also meet the requirement there is still chance that GMC will reject your Application for registration.
Original post by hibaa21
Hey, can you please elaborate on the grey list thing? Is it not worth it to go there and study?

Being in a grey list mean that European university does not meet some of the requirement by GMC or they have some defect in their education system which is not a good thing at all.
Reply 11
Original post by hibaa21
Hey, can you please elaborate on the grey list thing? Is it not worth it to go there and study?

Even if the European University was not in the grey list it was not even worth a bit as they were already involved in a number of unethical acts and were helping medlinks in their frauds. And the university being in the may accept list is just one of the reason to not go there.
Reply 12
Original post by hibaa21
Hey, can you please elaborate on the grey list thing? Is it not worth it to go there and study?

It means that GMC came across an application from one or more students of European university and they found some defects or you can say something against their policies or requirements so they rejected the application and after inquiry they placed the university on grey list
Reply 13
European university is scamming alot of students with medlinkstudents' ( an agency) help, they are continuously lying to get as many students as they can to join them just so they can continue to get money through them.
Reply 14
Original post by hibaa21
Hey, can you please elaborate on the grey list thing? Is it not worth it to go there and study?The

The grey list of GMC is a list of Universities from around the world, the applications coming from students from these unis have a chance to get rejected by GMC. GMC put European university on the grey list so students know what they are signing up for.
Reply 15
Original post by jename
The grey list of GMC is a list of Universities from around the world, the applications coming from students from these unis have a chance to get rejected by GMC. GMC put European university on the grey list so students know what they are signing up for.

Where can I look at this Grey List you've mentioned ?? I would like to see if the options im considering are on it, are New Vision & Caucasus International Uni on it ?
Reply 16
Original post by norepsol
Where can I look at this Grey List you've mentioned ?? I would like to see if the options im considering are on it, are New Vision & Caucasus International Uni on it ?

here is a link to the GMC grey list and you can just search for the name of the universities you are considering on the page
Reply 17
Original post by osaiy606
Hey, I might be starting my 4th semester at European University this October too. Im doing graduate entry.

which med school are you studying in? I really wanna apply to graduate med program in europe but cant find any
Original post by Tyre fd
which med school are you studying in? I really wanna apply to graduate med program in europe but cant find any

There are many excellent options for studying medicine in Europe. Your choice will depend on your interests, preferred country, and budget. Once you consider these factors, you can decide on the best place for you.

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