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Reply 1
Well I'm from an area not far from you though I have no idea where it is. How about Roseberry in Epsom? Virgo Ferdalis, Old Palace, Saint Philomenas, Wimbledon Girls, Croydon High School, Old Palace school of John Whitgift. There are loads of private schools in Surrey though. This a bit too specific to ask on a nationalised place, why not just have a look around the open days?
Reply 2
well there's a group of the 7 major 6th form colleges in surrey, called the s7 group i think? godalming college, esher, reigate etc. are part of it so check their websites.
for standard a-levels, godalming's widely regarded as the best 6th form college in surrey but if you want vocational a levels then nescot/etc. might be better.

are you just looking for colleges, or school 6th forms as well? pm me if you like =]
but also probably post this in another forum, maybe the a-level forum or the 6th form threads?
Reply 3
I would not recommend the private school I was at in Surrey.

My bf went to Rydens, now, it's the place you hope your kid doesn't end up at but he got ABB and a girl from his year went to Cambridge.
Elmbridge wise, although some of this depends on which bit of Elmbridge, your main options are:

Tiffin Girls - Kingston - State Grammer (obviously pretty good, although traditional school type 6th form)

Esher College - Esher - big 6th form college, very popular and over subscribed

Brooklands College - Weybridge - much less popular for more academic type subjects, has a good reputation for some applied engineering type courses

St Georges College - Weybridge (Addlestone) big posh mixed Catholic ethos private school with a 6th form

Strodes College - Egham - kind of similar to Esher

Woking College - Woking - has a broad range because most Woking secondary schools don't have 6th forms.

Godalming College - a little further afield, but very popular and has a good reputation especially for arty type subjects.

Sir William Perkins's School - Chertsey - private girls school, grammer style

Heathside School - Weybridge - also have a 6th form but recently it seems a lot more of the year 11s are going elsewhere.

If you hadn't guessed by now, I've lived in the area so feel free to pm.
Reply 5
Which one did you go to, Scary? :biggrin:
Reply 6
HEATHSIDE!!!!! Heathside sixth form, Weybridge. Really friendly, everyone's nice, the teachers are nice, welcoming to newcomers (we had a few last year and they fitted right in) you feel like a 'big fish in a small pond' which is nice; you get good individual care and attention whilst going through courses, uni application and other help etc because it's quite a small sixth form in a big school, so you're important!! :smile: it's very different from going to say, Esher College, because there you're just one in thousands of sixth formers. Heathside is much more personal and welcoming (did I say that already?) I loved it.
Go there! Or be square. Or something!
Reply 7
Ooh, ps, did I mention the sixth form received the top marks in the recent ofsted inspection?
They should so hire me for publicity.
Reply 8
I hear they are in millions of pounds of debt from building their fabulous new sixth form....
Reply 9
There is nothing fabulously new about our sixth form!
The building the 6th form is in is relatively new (assuming the 6th form are still in it).

There was an expectation that the new building would be justified by a significant increase in 6th form numbers which didn't really happen.

NB: By new, it's probably at least 10 years old.
Reply 11
Ah right sorry thought it was built around the time I was in sixth form..(04-06)
Reply 12
Yes, about ten! Doesn't look so new now, but I still love it!
(The doors are cardboard!)
there are quite few such as heathside and SJB
Reply 14
I would not recommend the private school I was at in Surrey.

hey just out of interest where did you go and why was it bad? thanks
Reply 15
HEATHSIDE!!!!! Heathside sixth form, Weybridge. Really friendly, everyone's nice, the teachers are nice, welcoming to newcomers (we had a few last year and they fitted right in) you feel like a 'big fish in a small pond' which is nice; you get good individual care and attention whilst going through courses, uni application and other help etc because it's quite a small sixth form in a big school, so you're important!! :smile: it's very different from going to say, Esher College, because there you're just one in thousands of sixth formers. Heathside is much more personal and welcoming (did I say that already?) I loved it.
Go there! Or be square. Or something!

really!that's interesting to hear because a girl i knew went there and said how awful it was and she got really depressed and developed anorexia (obv not the schools fault) but yeah she hated it. why did you like it? oh well i guess you kind of just explained but can you imagine why she hated it so much? do you have to be a type of person to get on well there like what sort of people are there would you say?
sorry vague but thankyou
Reply 16
I can't say why she hated it, because i'm not her!! Was your friend in upper sixth last year? If she was then I think we know the same person, she's one of my best friends :smile:! Wouldn't that be weird?? I had anorexia for a bit in year 10-12, and one of the reasons that make me rate heathside is the level of support I got. Obviously it wasn't their responsibility but someone would always sit with me at lunch to make sure I was eating properly and the staff there were really lovely. There is great pastoral care. If you don't like studying, or you don't enjoy your course, or you're having a difficult time at home, you're going to bring those problems to school and you're going to hate it. Then again you might just hate the school. But everyone is different, and everyone I know misses it simply because of the friends and community we built amongst ourselves whilst we were there.
hi , im being told I need to start thing about what I want to do and I really have no idea and I so stressed I feel completely useless , I can’t even think and I just want to ask what everyone else wants to do or if there’s any good options or colleges for me or ideas of courses
Original post by student1725
hi , im being told I need to start thing about what I want to do and I really have no idea and I so stressed I feel completely useless , I can’t even think and I just want to ask what everyone else wants to do or if there’s any good options for colleges for me or ideas of courses

why don't you start your own thread, this is a zombie thread?
Godalming College has a good reputation