The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
lol i know this thread would appear. I dont eat them much but i like caramel and appel :smile:
Gossip girl-Do you spend every waking moment on tsr or something? i've been on it as long as you but you've sent 10 times as many posts. Some ppl should get out more
I am a fan of the apple danish ones if i want a sweet treat and salt and vinegar if i want a savoury snack!

Reply 4
dont be mean to gossip girl :p:
Never heard of apple flavour ones! I like sour cream and chive (?)
what's a snack a jack?

Reply 7
Gossip girl-Do you spend every waking moment on tsr or something? i've been on it as long as you but you've sent 10 times as many posts. Some ppl should get out more

ive been on and off since bout 3,

also whats the pount of joining a forum if you dont post? :rolleyes:
Reply 8
ive been on and off since bout 3,

also whats the pount of joining a forum if you dont post? :rolleyes:

to read it?

lou xxx
dont be mean to gossip girl :p:

If i got a quid every time someone said "Don't be mean" i'd have, well, about 7 quid by now.

Just get over it :sheep:
Reply 10
also whats the pount of joining a forum if you dont post?

good point! :smile:
Reply 12
cheese and onion. do they even do cheese and onion? are snack a jacks quite low calorie?
Gossip girl-Do you spend every waking moment on tsr or something? i've been on it as long as you but you've sent 10 times as many posts. Some ppl should get out more

Well i've been here less time than GG and i have posted more times than her, yet i dont spend all my time on here. :confused:
Reply 14
Well i've been here less time than GG and i have posted more times than her, yet i dont spend all my time on here. :confused:

thats cos everyone loves you

no one likes me
Reply 15
thats cos everyone loves you

no one likes me

You won best newbie 2004 didn't you? What more do you want :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Reply 16
You won best newbie 2004 didn't you? What more do you want :rolleyes: :biggrin:

thats true....but ppl talk to her more and stuff, she's just one of those likeable ppl :mad: when im not
Reply 17
thats cos everyone loves you

no one likes me

i dont exactly know you very well but i dont not like you lol and i expect other people are the same
Reply 18
thats true....but ppl talk to her more and stuff, she's just one of those likeable ppl :mad: when im not

I like ya :p: Never actually spoken to you but youre posts make me laugh ! :biggrin:
I like ya :p: Never actually spoken to you but youre posts make me laugh ! :biggrin:

same here :wink: