The Student Room Group

Plucking Serene Dreams From Golden Trees. [Blog]

☾*✧ Online Journal ✧*☽

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I am going to briefly write something here just to fill up the space for now (lol) because I really don't know how to describe this space that I am creating for myself. It's pretty much where I come to ramble and ramble and ramble. For now I can say I hope it's a pretty relaxed area of the forum for me to post my ideas, thoughts, feelings and whatever else I feel comfortable sharing. It's mostly for me so I don't believe it will be of any value to anyone but if you want to read along, you are more than welcome here.
(edited 3 years ago)

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How have I spent 24 minutes editing an image? I give up.
(edited 3 years ago)
^ Was going to edit that post to include that the image being edited was for the OP. However, seeing "last edited" on the first page will actually emotionally scar me. I can't afford that.
*Internally screams* I just edited it anyway.
*screaming intensifies*
LOOOL finally :slap:
ooooooOoOoOo the op looks nice :tongue:
Original post by Anonymous
ooooooOoOoOo the op looks nice :tongue:

Is this who I think it is... 👁*🗨 Oh and thank you!
It's not my fault that TSR isn't emojis friendly. I will just have to stare at that disaster. Please don't edit it. Please don't edit. Please don't edit it-
Good morning, dear children. It's Willy Wonka. Hehe.
Don't ask me why I woke up and had that as my first thought. ^ Also had a nightmare about these two hairdressers ruining my hair. That's enough trauma for one day. Quite a bit to do today so I will get started as soon as I have had my breakfast. Will finish typing up the OP later today.
Just when I am doing my laundry and suddenly it looks like sister Rain is about to join the party and there is enough of her to tears and anguish to flood the entire world. It's confirmed. The rain gods hate me.
(edited 3 years ago)
All I head was "ice on my neck, ice on my neck. I'm a pretty boy I'm stunning" from this viral video and tune was fiiiire so searched it up on YouTube. Now I am wheezing.
This is what I am talking about when I say my self-esteem isn't high enough. 😌
(edited 3 years ago)
Someone asked me to help them with something and although I agreed to it, I don't get anything in return and it's not a friend or family member. I told them I'd think of a solution for them over the weekend and I just spent 10 minutes trying to come up with something. If I am given responsibility for something, I do it well but I feel like this isn't my best effort. Oh well. 🤭 This person is actually awful and I agreed in the first place to be professional. They should do their own work. It's not like I would get any credit either. Talk about stealing my energy and my time. *crying* I spent today working on a spreadsheet that I will talk about more once it's actually complete. I am going to relax for a bit now and then might go to bed early and wake up early or stay up for a bit and then wake up later. Hmm.
Original post by Serene Dreams
All I head was "ice on my neck, ice on my neck. I'm a pretty boy I'm stunning" from this viral video and tune was fiiiire so searched it up on YouTube. Now I am wheezing.

I actually can't breathe. Where is the missing letter? Typos. I hate them. I hate them. I hate this. Bye.
I didn't sleep very well because 1) I had an awful nightmare I can't remember and 2) I kept asking everyone why my nephew was crying (mumbling in my sleep) and no-one would answer even though I could hear them all trying to console him. Ugh. It made me so anxious. Siblings can be so annoying. One of my sisters always has headphones on so I could literally be talking to her for five minutes before realising she didn't hear a single word. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Wait until I leave the rest of civilization and move away forever to live in The Forbidden Forest, she will miss me to death. Then she will have to book appointments to speak to me. (Sksksks I am so annoying in the mornings. Confirmed.) I will have to work on my post later today now because I intended to get up at 05:00 but- Have a good day 🌼
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by Serene Dreams
I didn't sleep very well because 1) I had an awful nightmare I can't remember and 2) I kept asking everyone why my nephew was crying (mumbling in my sleep) and no-one would answer even though I could hear them all trying to console him. Ugh. It made me so anxious. Siblings can be so annoying. One of my sisters always has headphones on so I could literally be talking to her for five minutes before realising she didn't hear a single word. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Wait until I leave the rest of civilization and move away forever to live in The Forbidden Forest, she will miss me to death. Then she will have to book appointments to speak to me. (Sksksks I am so annoying in the mornings. Confirmed.) I will have to work on my post later today now because I intended to get up at 05:00 but- Have a good day 🌼

im glad your back bee so much:u:
Original post by Wise Goldie
im glad your back bee so much:u:

Goldie, I was blogless for less than 24 hours. 😭 I appreciate the welcome back very much however. 🤭
^ + Thank you!!