The Student Room Group

crossdressing on campus

i'm a guy, and i like to wear more feminine clothes when it comes to my fashion, just like a skirt every once in a while because i like the way it looks.
would i run in to many issues with that, like what is the consensus on campus about this. i'm a very confident sociable guy but it could knock my confidence a little bit.
Which campus are you referring to?

I’ve been a couple of different unis (Warwick, BPP and Cambridge) and although I can’t remember seeing any cross-dressing on campus, these were all very inclusive, accepting unis and I would imagine you would not encounter any issues.

In fact, at Warwick my male friend said he wanted to experiment so my friend and I took him shopping and did his makeup, etc. It was really fun!

I think you should try it (perhaps with a bunch of supportive friends) and see how it goes.

Remember, you can always report anything to campus security if you encountered any nastiness.

Most of the time, I think uni campuses are hotspots of self-expression, creativity and acceptance - most people wouldn’t turn a blind eye.

Don’t be afraid to do you :smile:

Every time someone is true to themselves and doesn’t conform to societal norms, the world becomes a far more interesting and colourful place 💕
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by Anonymous
i'm a guy, and i like to wear more feminine clothes when it comes to my fashion, just like a skirt every once in a while because i like the way it looks.
would i run in to many issues with that, like what is the consensus on campus about this. i'm a very confident sociable guy but it could knock my confidence a little bit.

Hi, thank you for your question! :smile:

At UEA we pride ourselves on being a diverse and inclusive community and want everyone to feel welcome to be themselves! During my time here so far, I've met such a wide range of people that express their individuality and I've not seen any problems myself. If you were to encounter any issues, please do let someone know, but I'm sure this won't be the case. We really look forward to welcoming you!

Best wishes,
Flim and Television Studies
Honestly, it does massively depend on the campus and city/town, as obviously some will be more accepting than others. I would try speaking to a student services person or someone on your unis SU.
Generally though, universities are pretty left-wing and very accepting of people with diverse gender expressions. The first time you do it, maybe go with friends, just to see how it goes.
Original post by Anonymous #1
i'm a guy, and i like to wear more feminine clothes when it comes to my fashion, just like a skirt every once in a while because i like the way it looks.
would i run in to many issues with that, like what is the consensus on campus about this. i'm a very confident sociable guy but it could knock my confidence a little bit.

I think you should wear what ever makes you comfortable, as long as it’s respectful and not offensive. A don’t consider a guy wearing a skirt or dress with a pair of opaque tights as offensive. I hope this helps.
Original post by Anonymous
i'm a guy, and i like to wear more feminine clothes when it comes to my fashion, just like a skirt every once in a while because i like the way it looks.
would i run in to many issues with that, like what is the consensus on campus about this. i'm a very confident sociable guy but it could knock my confidence a little bit.

It is not a problem unless you make it one. Be confident and everyone will be alright with it.

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