The Student Room Group

The Paralympics Big Chat Thread!


Will you be watching the Paralympics?

Welcome to the Big Chat Thread to do with all things Tokyo 2020 Paralympics!! :rave:

You can use this thread to chat/post about anything that doesn't fit into the event threads (see below :smile:) - including opening/closing ceremonies, athletes etc.!
The Paralympics is being broadcast on Channel 4 :jive: so will be easier to watch than the Olympics!

Some starter questions!
> What event are you most looking forward to?
> Have you watched much of the Paralympics before?
> Do you have a fav Paralympic athlete? (past or present)

Click here to check out the Tokyo 2020 forum to keep up to date with all the action :biggrin:

Links to all the event threads!

(edited 3 years ago)

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Coverage of the opening ceremony starts (on channel 4) at 11:30am :grin:
2 minute warning :biggrin:
Tuning in now

I must say I really loved the audio-described ad breaks :biggrin:
and I think the opening ceremony has started :danceboy:
Lots of dancing :danceboy:

Countdown has just ended, we are now underway.
6 people carry the Japanese flag, I like that one of them is a rescue support worker
The Japanese National Anthem is now playing
We now have a segment that seems to be about machinery. With levers and cogs
these visuals are pretty cool!
The huge inflatable shapes come together to form the paralympic logo - the agitos
does anybody else love the japanese pronounciation of the countries?
The Afghanistan flag is flown as a show of solidarity
Enjoying the Aruban jackets once again

And a big fan of the shoes worn by the Armenian delegation :yep:
love the Ugandan flag :biggrin:
The pace of this is pretty solid, it's clear that teams are coming in to different parts of the stadium but it is being done really efficiently.

I am also really enjoying the commentary!
219 gb athletes :headfire:
Team GB enter the stadium. Flag carried by Ellie Symonds and John Stubbs. This is Symonds' first opening ceremony.
Original post by laurawatt
219 gb athletes :headfire:

We are very good at being disabled :yep: