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University of Edinburgh MBChB for HCP 2022

Hello. Just looking to see if any fellow HCP 's are currently in the process of applying for HCP Med for 2022 intake and how the UCAT prep is coming along?

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hey I am, just applying this week and UCAT is end of this month
My UCAT is end of the month too. How is your prep coming along? Good to speak to someone who is also applying
Ahhh it’s okay, just constant stress. I hope i do well, are you getting on okay? I know, next year i hope we are both studying together.
Thank you for creating this!!!!

Does anybody know how many places are gonna be available this year? I know that last year they were 25.. Has it changed?
Hi!I’m applying too! Very nervous. How did you all do in UCAT?
Original post by Angiec294
Thank you for creating this!!!!

Does anybody know how many places are gonna be available this year? I know that last year they were 25.. Has it changed?


You probably have already found out but it’s still 25! How did you get on with your application/UCAT? Fingers crossed for you!
My personal statement is now submitted. Unfortunately I didn’t do as well on UCAT as I hoped. I just ran out of time! I don’t think I have enough to get an interview. How did everyone else do? What’s everyone’s profession? I’m a Paramedic :smile:
Ah that’s so awesome! You’ll have so much to bring to the course. UCAT is defo not my strong point, I got 2500, really messed up abstract reasoning and probably didn’t give it as much effort as it needed. I emailed the course administrator and she said anything above 2400 is good but it just depends how everyone compares who applies. She also said there’s less applicants this year, so maybe we’ll get in by default!Im an ENP and trainee ANP :smile:
(edited 3 years ago)
Hi everyone!! Ohh glad to know that anything above 2400 is good! My UCAT wasn't high either!!! But let;s see how it goes! I'm a clinical physiologist!
Original post by Angiec294
Hi everyone!! Ohh glad to know that anything above 2400 is good! My UCAT wasn't high either!!! But let;s see how it goes! I'm a clinical physiologist!

Ahh nice to meet you Angie! What did you get in ucat if you don’t mind me asking? Jan feels ages away!! Trying not to think of it ..
Nice to meet you too!!!! Mine was low like 2430!!!!! Also, english is not my first langauge, so I should have spent more time on it!! Yeh that's true, but it'll fly!!! Have you applied somewhere else??
Original post by Angiec294
Nice to meet you too!!!! Mine was low like 2430!!!!! Also, english is not my first langauge, so I should have spent more time on it!! Yeh that's true, but it'll fly!!! Have you applied somewhere else??

Ah, I don’t think you should worry, if what they’ve said and how the rest of the ucat panned out the median was 2500 on average in the UK so on a whole everyone got much lower than last year! So I fingers crossed for us both they take that into consideration.

I haven’t no; hedging my bets on this. I would really need to work throughout so it would be ideal for me. You? Fingers crossed we meet in person in Jan! :smile:
Hello everyone :smile:. I hope you are all well. I am looking to get in touch with anyone who has accepted an offer to commence HCP-med this year. Hoping the offers have been sent out already.
I start this September year after deferring my entry. Would be good to touch base and keep in touch if anyone is keen? X
Hello friend!Congratulations, first of all! How are you feeling? It still hasn’t quite sunk in yet for me: probably won’t until I’m a failing 3rd year student. I’d absolutely love to keep in touch. How did you find the whole process? Are you from Edinburgh?Lauren x
Original post by Lauzerous
Hello friend!Congratulations, first of all! How are you feeling? It still hasn’t quite sunk in yet for me: probably won’t until I’m a failing 3rd year student. I’d absolutely love to keep in touch. How did you find the whole process? Are you from Edinburgh?Lauren x

Hello Lauren thank you very much for your reply :smile:. Congratulations to yourself as well!! It’s such a fantastic opportunity!
I applied in 2020 for 2021 entry and as I say deferred my place and it still hasn’t sunk in yet 😂. I’m really looking forward to getting started and I’m very excited!
What profession are you currently in? I’m a GP practice pharmacist atm and have two children 4yo and 6 month old and I am from Falkirk. What about yourself? X
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by cmcintyre
Hello Lauren thank you very much for your reply :smile:. Congratulations to yourself as well!! It’s such a fantastic opportunity!
I applied in 2020 for 2021 entry and as I say deferred my place and it still hasn’t sunk in yet 😂. I’m really looking forward to getting started and I’m very excited!
What profession are you currently in? I’m a GP practice pharmacist atm and have two children 4yo and 6 month old and I am from Falkirk. What about yourself? X

Also should say my name is Caroline :smile:
Original post by cmcintyre
Also should say my name is Caroline :smile:

Caroline you are insane!!

Two kids under five and a medical degree and work, I can barely even manage work right now! I’m an advanced nurse practitioner with hospital at night covering pan-Lothian area. I’m *hoping* working nights will allow me some down/study time but that being said, yesterday I spent a good part of 40 mins looking for a kettle I put in the fridge. So you may have to help me through this.

Do you know anyone else on the course?
I am excited to find out our GP placements!
I know I must be insane! I’ve heard there are people in other years who have a family and have managed. I know it will be super hard but I will just need to be very organised and manage my time well.
That’s great being an ANP will stand you in great stead for the course. I’m really looking forward to learning from our fellow students as well as the academic staff.
Also v excited to find out about placements! Is that summer time we hear?
I know someone in second year of the course but no one this year other than yourself now Lauren. What about you? X

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