The Student Room Group

Sixth form admission

(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by eben_1025
Hi I’m year 10 and I wanna apply for a school but I’m not sure what they mainly look at to give you the offer. Do they look at predicted grades or your mock results mainly. I’m in uk btw. Ty

If you're applying to your local college, they mainly just look at behaviour and that sort of thing rather than your grades, unless you need a specific grade to do one of your A-levels. For example, I needed to get a 7 or higher in maths GCSE to do Further Maths A-level. I think everyone from my school that applied to college got in. However, if you're applying to a more selective school, like a paid school or a grammar school, they may look at your predicted grades
Original post by eben_1025
Hi I’m year 10 and I wanna apply for a school but I’m not sure what they mainly look at to give you the offer. Do they look at predicted grades or your mock results mainly. I’m in uk btw. Ty

Hi, they look at your predicted grades (which usually come from your mocks) because they have a minimum requirement of i think its 5 gcse's grade 4 and above. Also, for specific subjects which you might want to do at a-level they have different requirements. For example if you want to take computer science at a-level you need to have grade 6 in maths.

Aside from that they will look at your personal statement and then there is an interview as well. Sometimes they ask your secondary school for a reference but in my case they didn't.
They ask if you have any behavioural or learning needs when you fill in the application form.

Hope this helped :smile:
The best thing to do is look at sixth forms/colleges and see what they ask for - every school is different one school might ask for personal statement, an interview and a test from their school to be considered, one migjt ask for a personal statement only

Also since the new academic year in England began today are you year 10 going into year 11 (gcses 2022) or year 9 going into year 10 (gcses 2023)?
Reply 4
Original post by AmIReallyHere
The best thing to do is look at sixth forms/colleges and see what they ask for - every school is different one school might ask for personal statement, an interview and a test from their school to be considered, one migjt ask for a personal statement only

Also since the new academic year in England began today are you year 10 going into year 11 (gcses 2022) or year 9 going into year 10 (gcses 2023)?

I’m going into yr 11 I checked the school website but they don’t say anything
Reply 5
Any recommendations for Sixth forms near Kingston Upon Thames besides Tiffin and Kingston Grammar School?
Original post by eben_1025
I’m going into yr 11 I checked the school website but they don’t say anything

try emailing them as it every sixth form has their own admission procedures
Original post by eben_1025
Hi I’m year 10 and I wanna apply for a school but I’m not sure what they mainly look at to give you the offer. Do they look at predicted grades or your mock results mainly. I’m in uk btw. Ty

predicted grades mainly
Reply 8
Original post by meymey:)
Hi, they look at your predicted grades (which usually come from your mocks) because they have a minimum requirement of i think its 5 gcse's grade 4 and above. Also, for specific subjects which you might want to do at a-level they have different requirements. For example if you want to take computer science at a-level you need to have grade 6 in maths.

Aside from that they will look at your personal statement and then there is an interview as well. Sometimes they ask your secondary school for a reference but in my case they didn't.
They ask if you have any behavioural or learning needs when you fill in the application form.

Hope this helped :smile:

hi ive got an internal exclusion once in year 9 and it is recorded, but i havent got any punishment except for that one, will sixth form or uni would acknowledge this in any kind of circumstances(my head of year said he wont mention it in his reference, but idk about other event)

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