Please keep anon.
Basically this year at college, I have two classes with this girl. Since the beginning of term we've got on well together and we have our own little jokes and stuff.
Anyway, today she basically turned on me, because she perceives me to be "middle-class" because I went to a private school. She was saying that she could see my "class" in everything - the unis I've applied, the fact I would send my own kids to private school, the fact my parents pay for tutors for me and even in my stationary as like all of it comes from WHSmith or Paperchase. She was saying that I can afford to by the stationary I do because of my parents. When I told her that I work and buy my own stationary she was like "well its still because of your parents having money, because you can afford to spend the amount that you do do on stationary". And then she was saying that my "class" is shown by me having driving lessons and I told her that I pay for them too.
Writing this now I feel stupid, but she really upset me.
She was saying that I'm a product of the school that I went to and that its a completely different world and she judges people like that as she doesn't feel that she will get on with them and if she had just met me for the first time, I would fit her stereotype.
She also said that I can rely more on my parents than most people,which I don't understand, and she thinks I'm spoilt, even though I don't act like I am spoilt.
I don't even know what my question is, I think I just needed to vent.
Do you judge people or have you ever been judged on such stupid things?
Why does she despise me so much?