The Student Room Group

My Time at PRTC.....


I am KNACKERED!! :yep:

I'm not long home from PRTC and i thought i would give the guys going on the 6th Nov and beyond an insight as to how it all goes. Lots of people on TSR have helped me. I hope i can give something back....? :o:

First of all... those of you travelling from Scotland... be prepared for LOTS of waiting around! We flew down the day before and were told there would be a driver waiting for us at the airport......

2.5 hours later we were picked up. Some had been waiting 4 hours! (We phoned when there was nobody there to meet us on arrival an were told to look as someone would be there!). After another 30mins we called back and we were told they were now on their way but they were waiting for all the scottish flights to get in!) - Take a book/ take money for your dinner at the airport! We ended up buying crappy sandwiches from the spar at RTS! It wasn't all bad arriving the day before though! There was us scots and some people who had driven long distances and we got to know each other well.


So whether you arrive the day before or on day 1, you will have to read the PRTC recruit orders (rules) and sign to say that you will follow these!

These include;

- Getting up at 5.30 every morning and everyone having a shower (and
guys having a wet shave)

- NO ALCOHOL (be it the night before prtc or during prtc!),

- No ladies in guys blocks and vice versa,

- Any smokers - only smoking in the smoking shelter within designated times.
(Not after 9.30pm on PRTC)

- Staying within assigned boundaries. (Pretty much.. from the barrack block
to the Newcomers Club (NCC)/Spar and back again. ? via the smoking shelter if
you smoke.)

At this point you will also be issued with a Next of Kin (NOK) form to fill out and a PRTC identification badge that you must wear AT ALL TIMES. If you put a coat on, put it on the coat etc.. (I lost mine! :rolleyes: )

For those who arrive the night before. Use it productively. Get to know the other girls/guys. Get used to just being able to go and talk to people, introduce yourself etc... You will be doing this a lot. Myself I am usually fairly quiet in social situations (unless fueled with a glass of vino :biggrin:) but within an hour of being there i was chatting away to everyone and i'm glad i made the effort. I felt a lot more confident by the end of the first evening!) We went to the NCC on night 0 and felt completely like the odd ones out in our civillian clothing! We didnt last long in there. The only people there were some lads watching football. So we went back to our block and had some girlie chat.. as you do.

Then.. I thought we may aswell use the evening as best we could and we went down to speak to some girls also staying in our block who were already on their 9 weeks basic training course. (they has done their kit already and didnt mind us coming in for a chat. even offered us a cuppa -bless em!) They were great. Gave us lots of tips and insiders views of what the training is like. And to be honest.. everyone reitterated what the RAF Halton DVD says...

The Barrack Blocks we were in were FREEZING! :eek: We had 5 blankets each and 2 sheets and the first night in partucular was like ice. And the window banged all night long. None of us slept too well. But i can assure you, by the next night, we were that tired and there were more people in the bock, it was much warmer and i slept soundly!! :yep:


Day 1

(Again... for the Scots/Car drivers be prepared for more hanging around on Day 1. We were up at 5.30, showered and back from breakfast by 7.10am and were not to report until 9am! THEN.. the staff did not turn up until 9.30/9.45am!) - TUTT TUTT!!

- You are given a breif by the Cpl(s) looking after you on PRTC

- Given Green Coveralls that you wear for most of PRTC

- You will meet some 'staff' from the advanced development flight (ADF) who will assist the Cpl(s) throughout your PRTC. These are guys/girls who have passed their RTC and are waiting at Halton until their trade training starts! they too are great for asking questions. I found them really really helpful!

- We then had a packed lunch and then headed down to the Regiment
Hanger (which i have to say was quite a treck!) From the moment you
have your coveralls on you will be marched everywhere!

(Someone who posted a PRTC thread before said that the Cpl's will change
their commands so everyone is on the wring step. It is so true. :yep: I think
they just want to make sure you are paying attetion at all times!)

When we arrived at the Regiment Hangers we had a talk from one of the civillian doctors who talked to us briefly about diet/nutrition pre-halton and then we assisted in her research by filling out a questionnaire on feeding habits from during our childhood until now!

We then had a brief from one of the Regiment Sgts who seemed really nice, and by that i mean fair. He talked us through what to expect in the Regiment part of the training (which starts on day 23). PLEASE NOTE: This is no longer called Ground Defence Training (GDT). It is now called Initial Force Protection Training (IFPT).

IFPT include:

First Aid, Learning how to use/clean a rifle, Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) training and equipment and general survival skills and this all ends with Consolidation of Practical Training (CPT/Exercise Blue Warrior)

We were advised that before you can go on Ex Blue Warrior you must have passed our weapons handling test (and i am sure one of the girls said you must have passed your RAF Fitness Test (RAFFT) by this point) - can someone tell us if this is correct?

Also note; during IFPT you will go into the CS Gas Chamber at least twice to do some drills that you must pass. (we were shown where this was!)

CPT - 3 nights, 4 days in the outdoors putting into practice everything you have learned during your IFPT!

Down in the Regiment Hanger we were then split into two groups. Half of us went to get fitted for our boots, and the other half were shown around the hanger/regiment areas and where we would be doing our training. (i.e shown the shooting range, Gas chamber etc)

NOTE RE: BOOTS! - Make sure they are not too big/too small. If they do not feel right - say so! Also, we were issued with black issue socks. Only wear these with the boots. DO NOT wear two paris of socks. DO NOT think that wearing them in the bath will help break them in. You must WALK in them to break them in. DO NOT run in them! DO NOT Bull (Am i spelling that right?) your boots. We were told You CAN apply a bit of polish with a brush and use another brush to take it off? - I have to admit im not 100% sure about this. (im going to get the boyf to show me how! If you are unsure of how to do this...and you get them dirty on breaking them in, CLEAN them with a damp cloth... and for last but not least, REMEMBER to bring your boots AND issue socks on day 00!

After this we headed back up to RTS and had another breif from our Cpl(s) re; the evening and the following day.
We then had dinner - must be honest. The meals were not amazing, (My Lasagne was COLD! :frown:) but they were not as bad as i thought they would be! (we dont have to pay for meals during prtc)

After dinner we would attend the evening social event (DRY social event that is!) :yep: in the NCC. Here we were aloud to wear our civillain clothes (within reason. i.e - no low tops/inappropriate logos etc) The ADF flight were around to ask any questions as were some recruits. We had an ice-breaker too. - Basically the Cpl got everyone who had been given the same intake date together and had you move round and speak to as many as you could, finding out about them, i.e - their trade, why they wanted to join the RAF, and their most embarassing moment etc.. it ws a laugh!

We had to leave and head back to our blocks by 9.15pm. (Smokers could be back by 9.30pm) But most of us girlies went back earlier to catch up and meet the girls who ahdnt satyed the night before. Then bed! (as i said above.. i slept better that night!)

Day 2

Again... next morning. Up at 5.30am. (or for us 4.45am as some inconsiderate girlies woke us up with their alarms becasue they wanted to be able to go for a smoke at 5.30 and wanted to be showered first!) Outside by 6.10am to meet the ADF flight who marched us to breakfast. (You will be going to the gym at 7.15am so be careful what you have. (I had porridge :biggrin: )

When we were marched to the Gym i have to admit this is where i was nervous. We all knew we had the RAFFT this morning and i just wish we'd had it over and done with before then!

In the Gym, you NEVER walk. NEVER put your hands on your hips/cross your arms and you ALWAYS do as you are told, first time and as quickly as humanly possible!! - Failure to do so will result in you being *********/given press ups etc. (Nobody got us given press ups thankfully, although one Cpl said we were the noisiest and worst PRTC he had ever had. But from reading posts on TSR i think they say that to everyone! :yep:) Another Cpl straight after said that even though we were, we were also the fittest he had seen all year! :biggrin: )

Anyway.... (It is late, i am tired and waffling on now :smile: )

As most of you already know, the RAFFT consists of

- The bleep test

- As many sit ups as you can in 1 minute

- As many press ups as you can in 1 minute

(For Details/times required etc see:

and click on full guidelines!

Your scores will be recorded. If you fail any part at this stage, DO NOT WORRY. You must pass the RAFFT by day 50 something? You are given advice on how to work on your fitness between PRTC and RTS. (Equally, if you PASS, don't think it will be a stroll in the park. You WILL be expected to have maintained/improved on RTC)

In your time at the gym you will be split into 3 groups. (As far as i am aware this is in no particular order. Guys and girls at this point are mixed in together!) Each group will go round the following stations:


- A Breif/Demonstration on how to carry out Sit ups/ Dorsal raises etc and you are given a booklet to RECORD all your fitness sessions between PRTC and RTC which you will give back on day 00 (Attestation day) for the PTI's to review.
( I must admit.. this seems like a great idea. I have already filled my fridge ith good fruit, veg, fish etc and am keen to give my fitness my full attention! )

- A Presentation re; what Ped will be like at RTS and you are given advice on how to train in the time before and advice on what kind of running shoes to wear etc. This is your chance to ask the PTI's any questions!

PLEASE NOTE: Males and Females now do Ped lessons seperately to avoid women competing too hard and getting pelvic stress injuries!

After the Gym sesh we were marched back up to RTS for lunch and back to the breifing room for briefs (funnily enough) by more staff from RTS. We were given a presentation by a Nurse re; foot care pre and during RTC, Info on healthy diet etc, how to prepare mentaly for RTS and given advice re; vacciations. We were given forms to find out dates of all previous vaccinations from our GP/Practice Nurse.

NOTE: If you are in a trade which requires you to be Hep B immunised, like myself, (and i think RAF Police, Firefighters etc) you MUST get a copy of your blood results to prove your immunisation was effective.

We then met (the lovely PAPA-BEAR!) - I knew it ws you straight away lol. He is a WaSP. :yep: (Welfare and Support Personell.) He is also a Cpl but wears Civvies and a yellow badge! His team look out for recruits Welfare during RTS, partucularly those under the age of 18. But anyone can go to them with problems. (See his post below!)

FINALLY we had lunch! :rolleyes:

Then we were given time to clean our barrack blocks. (They are inspected proir to departure home) The ADF flight advised us how to do this/fold blankets correctly etc.

To round off PRTC we visited the Roundel Club. (Above the Mess). This has pool tables/other facilities for recruits to use. We were given the Opp to ask any other Questions we had. - USE THE TIME to ask ANYTHING you are usure of. There is no such thing as a stupid question. Just stupid timing :yep: as we were told throughout PRTC! :p:

After this.... we headed off our seperate ways. Busses were provided to Wendover Train Station/Luton Airport but please NOTE: Depending on whether or not your barrack block is clean enough you will get away around 2pm. They will not give a monkeys if you miss your train, so make sure you DO clean the blocks well. Use the hoovers, clean the loo's, mirrors etc!

And then you can head off homeward bound. - you will be EXHAUSTED!! :yep: I would advise you ahve the day off work/a late start the day after!


Did I enjoy myself? - YES! (Although the waiting around had me fed up to
begin with.

Am i looking forward to RTS? - YES! Although.. i know it is NOT going to be easy. Especially for me being a little older. I found some of the silly littleg girls rather IRRITATING! (not like me at all!) Especially te girls getting up at 4.45am and waking everyone else up because they wanted a FAG!

Did I think PRTC was useful? - YES! - I feel 100% less anxious about what to expect etc. And we know our way around the site/what support is on offer etc

What are my top tips?

- Make sure that after your PJFT you keep training. You will have fitness test after fitness test throughout your whole RAF Career!!

- Bring some casual civillian clothing. i.e jeans and a t-shirt (no big logos etc) for the NCC social event. (it wasnt on our kit list)

- Come with the right attitude. Remember you are joining the MILITARY! Don't answer the Cpl's back. Don't talk whilst marching etc.. When we arrive for RTC it is going to be much worse. Don't start bad habits!

- Be confident! Talk to people. Guys and Girls! Talk to staff (ADF) if they are around, likewise current recruits/Cpls.

- Be on time for everything! Remember the 5 minute rule!


At the end of the day, to get there you ahve already been selected, passed your PJFT, Medical and have probably been give your start date. So you have done something right.....

Don't screw it all up! If you do not abide by the PRTC orders your application to join the RAF can be ripped up!

If anyone got any other questions i will try to answer them as best i can!

Im off for a good sleep now! :yep:



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cxheers for that!!! glad you're enjoying it!!!
Reply 2
Sounds like you're in the same block as the girls on my flight (7 Flight). Were the girls you chatted to just finishing foundation phase and going onto IFPT this friday just gone?
Sounds like you're in the same block as the girls on my flight (7 Flight). Were the girls you chatted to just finishing foundation phase and going onto IFPT this friday just gone?

Yeah they were! They were a good laugh! Some on them were TINY! I felt quite old. :rolleyes:
That brought back some memories! I did mine at the end of September and what you said is all spot on. What I would say to people is don't listen to too many rumours about what people are bringing etc as I was freaking out and my husband who is already in was chasing me around the shops lifting stuff back out of my basket "you don't need that ... won't use that ... arn't allowed that ... absolutely no need for it babe, put it back" etc etc lol! Just take what's on your list seriously, otherwise you won't have room to store everthing. Only 2 weeks and 2 days left of being a civvie SO EXCITED!!! As for the boots bulling, I've just been putting on polish with a brush and then brushing it back off, seems like loads have been bulling them, again my hubby just laughed when I told him that and said "no need!!!"
Anyways, good luck everyone and wish me luck for Nov 12th CAN'T WAIT xxxxxxx :biggrin:
wish me luck for Nov 12th CAN'T WAIT xxxxxxx :biggrin:

Good LUCK!

Reply 6
Nursie, you were spot on with the boot care! And it just goes to show that you weren't listening to the brief if you can't remember the full title! :nah:

Just as a minor amendment to Nursie's excellent post, the flight staff don't necessarily have to know what you want to talk to the Welfare and Support Personnel (Nursie pse note!) about. However, WaSP don't have full confidentiality. In other words, if what you discuss with them is illeagal, or has a direct bearing and impact on your training, then the Sgt and/or Cpl will forward that info on to the relevant authorities. Obviously, if it's something personal and potentially embarrasing, then they'll keep it under wraps if you ask them nicely!

Ricochetting nicely off on a tangent now, from what we can make out, Halton is the only Phase 1 training unit which offers a stand-alone welfare department for the care of recruits. which is outside of the chain of command. If any of my Green or Dark Blue colleagues can inform me otherwise, I'd appreciate the info!

(A) Nursie, you were spot on with the boot care! And it just goes to show that you weren't listening to the brief if you can't remember the full title! :nah:

(B) Nursie's excellent post.

(C) Halton is the only Phase 1 training unit which offers a stand-alone welfare department for the care of recruits. !

(A) Haha. By that point we were all pretty much falling asleep. The only thing keeping me awake was that i was sat right in front of the open window!) :rolleyes:

(B) - Why Thank you. Took me AGES! :yep:

(C) Good to see will will be looked after! Can we just come for a cuppa to get a break from the people in our block driving us UP THE WALL. Would potentially save someene a trip to the med centre lol. :yep: :eek: Only Joking. Well.... I am. I'm sure someone would punch one particular girl. :biggrin:

I have to admit on day 0- Day 1, I was beginning to get a bit unsure about whether or not i could do RTC. (But by this i mean in terms of live with 14 + girls in a block. The block we visited had little brats in it who drove the others MAD!) I am usually a VERY PATIENT person. Tolerable of all sorts. (See it all in the hospitals. Put up with lots of cheek etc. But within my 3 day visit i wanted to deck a few of them!) Hahahahahhahaha.

Seriously.... They were unbelivable. Then i thought... screw them. I have worked damn hard to be a Nurse in the RAF. This is just something i'm gonna have to do to get there..........

Hope PRTC hasn't put anyne off. I know it did for a few guys we were on with. If anyone wants to talk bout it, PM me! :yep:

Reply 8
(A) Haha. By that point we were all pretty much falling asleep. The only thing keeping me awake was that i was sat right in front of the open window!) :rolleyes: So, that was you!

(B) - Why Thank you. Took me AGES! :yep: You're welcome.

(C) Good to see will will be looked after! Can we just come for a cuppa to get a break from the people in our block driving us UP THE WALL. No. At least not without an appointment and a very good reason!

I have to admit on day 0- Day 1, I was beginning to get a bit unsure about whether or not i could do RTC. (But by this i mean in terms of live with 14 + girls in a block. The block we visited had little brats in it who drove the others MAD!) I am usually a VERY PATIENT person. Tolerable of all sorts. (See it all in the hospitals. Put up with lots of cheek etc. But within my 3 day visit i wanted to deck a few of them!) Hahahahahhahaha.

Seriously.... They were unbelivable. Then i thought... screw them. I have worked damn hard to be a Nurse in the RAF. This is just something i'm gonna have to do to get there..........

Hope PRTC hasn't put anyne off. I know it did for a few guys we were on with. If anyone wants to talk bout it, PM me! :yep:


Unfortunately, that is part and parcel of Recruit Training and Service life as a whole. At some time during your career you may find yourself in a twelve by twelve tent on deployment with another seven or eight people and you will have to bite the bullet and live and possibly work with them even if you don't like them.

In my experience, there have been a number of occasions when I've had more problems getting the girls to start communicating and working as a team than I have with the lads! The standard of their kit and block cleanliness are normally of a better standard earlier, but it can take some time for them to gel as a unit. However, once they do click they're pretty formidable.

Oh, and Nursie... You'll have to supply the Hob Nobs!:yep:

Y'awl Have Fun Now!
Unfortunately, that is part and parcel of Recruit Training and Service life as a whole. At some time during your career you may find yourself in a twelve by twelve tent on deployment with another seven or eight people and you will have to bite the bullet and live and possibly work with them even if you don't like them.

Yeah.. I didn't think we could just come have tea and biscuits! LOL.

In my experience, there have been a number of occasions when I've had more problems getting the girls to start communicating and working as a team than I have with the lads! The standard of their kit and block cleanliness are normally of a better standard earlier, but it can take some time for them to gel as a unit. However, once they do click they're pretty formidable.

Yeah... I guess your right.

Oh, and Nursie... You'll have to supply the Hob Nobs!:yep:

Sure will! :yep:

Y'awl Have Fun Now!
- Love it!!
Reply 10
Good insight into what to expect from my prtc. Thanks alot for that!!! its made what we will be doing much clearer.

Good insight into what to expect from my prtc. Thanks alot for that!!! its made what we will be doing much clearer.


No problem Ollie. Have fun! x
Reply 12
Will do :smile:
Reply 13
i belive most of my flight were so happy to see sum attractive girls we all just sat round you prtc girls at tea, we just got bac frm regiment x
Reply 14
4:45 Waking up on RTC is the norm :smile:
A nice lie in at home is 6:00 now
mbro - 4.45 when you are on rts, fair enough. 4.45 when it could have been 5.30 on prtc but 2girls just wanted a fag. not so fun! :biggrin:

chilleyd - how was regiment? did you enjoy it? im looking forward to it! x
Reply 16
What was the food like?

What was the food like?


hmmm.... my lasagne was cold lol. but i think that it was because it was the last in the dish lol.

Breakfast - (dont eat much before the fitness test!) there are cereals, porridge (i had porridge and jam :biggrin:) bread and toasters, fruit, tea, coffee, juice.

you will have a packed lunch one day and the other i similar to dinner.

Dinner - there were about 4 options I think. When i was there there was things like Lasagne, Fish and Chips, Baked Potato, Steak Pie. Theres plenty veg's, salad etc. Theres also a dessert bar and fruit.

Overall, I didn't think it was too bad. Im sure after week one ill be sick of it though. :yep:

Reply 18
Thanks for the heads up...
Guess i'll see what takes my fancy there and then,
Some food is better than no food :smile:

Reply 19
Roast potatoes, roast potatoes, roast potatoes, roast potatoes, roast potatoes.

Roast potatoes.

They also serve roast potatoes.

In all honesty the food is good, it's just working out what you like and sticking to it.