12.0 g of a mixture of calcium carbonate and sodium chloride was treated with 100 cm3 of 2.00 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid (only the calciumcarbonate reacts). The resulting solution was made up to 250 cm3 with water and a 25.0 cm3portion of this needed 34.1 cm3 of 0.200 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide for neutralisation. Find the % by mass of the calcium carbonate in the mixture.
This was a relatively hard question that I got. I know how to do the question but this is because I did an almost identical question and learnt how to do it without really understanding it.
My question is why is the "resulting solution" here HCl.
and if it makes up a solution of 250cm^3 *with H20* then why do we not include the water in the titration equation.
The equation for the CaCO3 reaction is:
HCl + CaCO3 --> CaCl2 + H20 +C02
The equation for the titration is HCl + NaOH --> NaCl + H20
The answer is 55% btw.