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Guys - acceptable amount of sexual partners for a girl

So, how many guys do you think its ok for a girl to have slept with?

This issue is of great worry to me as I have been quite promiscuous in the past and hate admitting to guys how many guys i've slept with in case it puts them off, though i also think its wrong to lie about it.

If a girl had alot of sexual partners would it put you off her as girlfriend material??????

or if you really liked her and she didn't seem the 'cheating' 'slutty' type then would you overlook it?

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Reply 1
it would put me off her as girlfriend material, sure. the larger the number, the more it'd put me off them.

some call me a misogynist, some call me someone with morals. but i see a girl who 'made a few mistakes' as someone with a tendency to be weak willed.

however saying that, it's more and more common for both guys and girls to rack up huge numbers in the amount of belt buckle burrowers they've had experience with. it's sadly somewhat standard for us to settle with a partners digits in the 'im just being picky, 93 isnt that big, there are people out there with more' fashion. which is a shame.

so i wouldn't worry too much. if they're riding this sexually open wave of change, then they will realise that people sleep around nowadays, and won't be too bothered.

it helps if you don't seem the cheating slutty type also.
This should be interesting...
By promiscuous do you mean just have been with different guys, or have cheated on people a lot?
If you've just been with a load of different guys when you've been single, then it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. It would probably affect me in terms of comparing myself to the other guys, but it terms of a serious relationship, it wouldn't matter.
Only if you are "the slutty cheating type" would it bother me.
Reply 4
If you want a quantitative response, 2-3. :smile:
Reply 5
Depends how old you are, surely. At 17 it may not be acceptable to have had 10+ sexual partners but at 40, this might be okay given you've been dating for twenty + years.
Reply 6
By promiscuous do you mean just have been with different guys, or have cheated on people a lot?

In my case, different guys while single, or jumping in too bed with new potential bf's too quickly then realising what idiots they were....tho opinions on both would be good
Reply 7
Reply 8
It's pretty irrelevant in my opinion. I don't particularly care if it's 0 or 100.
Reply 9
In my case, different guys while single, or jumping in too bed with new potential bf's too quickly then realising what idiots they were....tho opinions on both would be good

I think it's entirely up to you who you're with. Also, is there really any need for the new boyfriend to know the number? I think I'd be really vague (not that I'd need to be, I've only been with two people); none of his business anyway!
well i'd want her to have a similar attitude to me, keeping the majority within a relationship, but i guess the odd slip up is ok. naturally that leads to a low number, 5 or less maybe.
Reply 11
In all honesty, due to the fact that it needs a male and a female (sticking heterosexual here), overall it will balance out. I don't get the idea that a guy is able to sleep around and that's a plus while a girl isn't.

In other words, it shouldn't make much of a difference (and everyone wants to enjoy themselves in their youth)
Reply 12
Why do you feel bad about being promiscuous? If it was what you wanted at the time, why regret it? I think you should work on being comfortable with your own past, and then you'll realise that any guy who cares that much isn't suited to you anyway.
Reply 13
Meh, doesnt matter that much. As long as they aren't a slag or anything.
i dont really care or want to know...
I'm not a guy but I find with my best friend (17, female, well now just 18 and has slept with 10+ people) that a lot of men find her to be a joke and don't take her seriously anymore.
I'm not a guy but I find with my best friend (17, female, well now just 18 and has slept with 10+ people) that a lot of men find her to be a joke and don't take her seriously anymore.

I do think 10+ at 17 is pretty bad, to be honest. I think if that was me I'd just not say, or if pressed, lie about it.
As long as she's sowed her oats and is ready to be in a committed relationship with you (if thats what you want) , and is clean "down there" then what should it matter?
It depends. I have a friend who has been in maybe seven serious relationships consecutively since she lost her virginity and she's slept with all of them. That wouldn't put me off her. However, I have another friend who has had seven one night stands and that would maybe put me off a bit.

Basically, lots of casual sex would put me off but many serious relationships wouldn't
no more than 80