I am considering seeing a counsellor soon, which is why this thread interests me.
For the past 3 years I have been on a slippery slope to social anxiety/depression which has basically ruined my social life, affected my uni work, my uni life and is now affecting my work. I cannot escape the routine of needing to do something about it but then having 5 days at work and, essentially, using the weekend to 'recover' from my anxiety of the previous week, it then begins again. I am due to take exams in December so am going to be busy until then, which means that is another 1.5 months of feeling like this. It will then be another miserable (for me personally) Christmas and I will just be going round in circles.
I am aware that one can be signed off work with stress but am not prepared to do this as I am well aware how it will be perceived in the workplace; people do not understand, even if they say they do.
However, I have been reading a self help book and I know exactly what the issues are, exactly what behaviours I exhibit and my symptoms are the classic ones outlined in the book. I am sceptical about wasting time seeing a counsellor because we will just talk about stuff that I talk about, inside my own head, all day every day. I know what I need to do but I just cannot do it. How on earth does a 25 year old, low on confidence, with no friends, no hobbies and obsessive characteristics go about making new friends. I feel that I have nothing to give, so will be just wasting my time completely. I know that I need to learn more stuff, take up new hobbies and find new interests but there just isn't the time. I could spend years trying things until I find out exactly what I like, by which time my problems would have escalated. It's a mess.
Can anyone offer any advice in response to this ramble?!