The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i dont think there is enough proof but i heard they emit some kinda of radiation which is linked with cancer. Im gonna continue using my phone though until there is REAL evidence
so peoples wot does we think...can they give you cancer/brain tumour/brian damage etc? :confused:

mayb. but theres no real proof
Reply 3
I think it's a load of rubbish personally.
If you hit someone hard enough with one, they might die.
I'm not sure I'm happy enough with the rumors to use my phone a large amount for calls but then I don't anyway- just the odd short one here and there and I don't think there is a great deal of risk from that type of useage.
Reply 6
no one else get headaches then?
how long do you use your phones for?
Reply 7
I've been using mine since like 7 months,or maybe more but I never get headachs but actully most of the time I put loud speaker cause it bugs me to put the phone on my ear
Reply 8
so peoples wot does we think...can they give you cancer/brain tumour/brian damage etc? :confused:

I think that they can. There isn't hard evidence to support this claim, but neither is there anything to contradict it. A study has recently been released which may be of interest to you..

Whether or not the next stage of research will show a definite link between disease and mobile phone use remains to be seen.
Reply 9
no one else get headaches then?
how long do you use your phones for?

I get them if I use it for ages.
Reply 10
*looks at google advert*

i don't think this thread is an appropriate place to be advertising mobile phone deals :biggrin:
Reply 11
I get them if I use it for ages.

like how long?
If you hit someone hard enough with one, they might die.

lol i love you! :biggrin:
i use about 500 mins a mth i'd say the benefit to it outweighs the tiny risk. but i dont thnk its ok for kids under 12 to have them. they could be mugged or killed