The Student Room Group

Experience before Uni/Spring Weeks for IB

Hopefully if i get into a decent uni next year for econ so I can apply for spring weeks. My only question is what experience do they want for spring weeks? I don't know anyone in the finance industry so I'm not sure what to do but I want to make my application as strong as possible. I would like to fill my CV with valuable experiences but the only job or experience I've had is care home volunteering and working as a waiter at a restaurant. I've never done finance related experience.

(edited 3 years ago)
Rothschild Pioneer program, Morgan Stanley Step in Step Up/Mixed Schools open day, JP Morgan pre university program. Any work experience at a local shop/firm. A lot you can do with extra curriculars too. to find pre-uni experience programs
Reply 3
Original post by Joshoandnjs4
Hopefully if i get into a decent uni next year for econ so I can apply for spring weeks. My only question is what experience do they want for spring weeks? I don't know anyone in the finance industry so I'm not sure what to do but I want to make my application as strong as possible. I would like to fill my CV with valuable experiences but the only job or experience I've had is care home volunteering and working as a waiter at a restaurant. I've never done finance related experience.


dm me and I can add you to a WhatsApp work experience gc
Reply 4
Original post by uhkednkh
dm me and I can add you to a WhatsApp work experience gc

is there one for 2024?

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