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Girls - Would You Date A Guy Shorter Than You?

I feel really bad because I've always considered myself to be completely non judgemental. However I recently met a guy at a society I'm in at university, and he's lovely. He's got a very sweet personality, he's really considerate and he's got a great sense of humour. Unfortunatley, he's also short. Really short. We're not talking a few centimetres here, we're talking his head probably doesn't even reach my chin.

I feel terrible for being put off by this. He's got a great personality and a cute face as well, but for some reason I just can't see myself dating someone so much shorter than I am. It's odd because as friends we're fine and I don't care who sees me with him, but for some reason the odd of people seeing us together if we were actually dating is really embarassing for me.

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Reply 1
Well you've got ask yourself what's more important:

- What other people think about you being with him.
- Or what you feel about him

If you really do like him then you won't care what other people think.
Reply 2
I think i would find it weird & itd probably put me off too OP, but then again you never know who youre gonna fall in love with hmmm.
I would :smile:
Reply 4
Personally no but I am only 5ft tall myself.
I'm 5'10". Sazarina88 is 6'2". So not the drama. :smile:
No, it'll just be awkward.
I think it would weird me out a bit, but I might be able to get over it if I really liked the guy.

If you feel uncomfortable with it it's probably not something you're going to get over. To be fair I have weird things like that, like I get really weird about guys with bad teeth. A little bit uneven is okay, but if they're all in the wrong place or a weird colour then I don't like it and it annoys me.
Reply 8
Nope. I'm 5ft 2" and probably wouldn't go for anyone shorter than 5ft 5". My sort of ex is going out with somebody who is much taller than him and it cheers me up no end :h:
No as im hardly 5ft
How tall are you OP?
My best friend is dating a guy who is about 3" shorter than her, and she likes it.

I would date a girl who is a couple inches shorter than me. I wouldn't mind. :smile: But then, I'm fairly short also, so the chances of finding someone a lot shorer than me are slim. :p:
Reply 12
How tall are you OP?

I'm fairly average, 5'5" if I remember correctly
It would put me off a bit, but it would depend how much i liked him.
Reply 14
Well you've got ask yourself what's more important:

- What other people think about you being with him.
- Or what you feel about him

If you really do like him then you won't care what other people think.


I wouldn't but I'm shallow and frivolous. Perhaps when I really like someone & have done some growing up, it would probably be far more difficult to say no.
Reply 15
how ever much we deny it, us girls like to kind of feel protected by our men. if there smaller than us it kind of does away with that feeling.

i think i agree with thecaterpilla though, if he is that great, u'll learn to see past his hight in the end.
if i was like 5'10", then i would.

but for him to be smaller than me he would have to be less than 5'2"! and that would be like dating someone in junior school :/

still, never say never :smile:
It's not too weird to be put off by this. I'm pretty average/short at 5'8 and although my girlfriend is the same height as me, she makes fun of my height all the time :tongue: It's pretty normal for a girl to want a guy taller than her and from what I've heard, being shorter than the girl is not that uncommon a deal breaker.
Reply 18
you want to be able to wear killer heals without feeling like a gigantic oaf!!!!
Reply 19
Is height THAt important? As a guy I WOULD date a girl taller than me (I'm 5ft11 btw)