Would really appreciate any advice out there!
Basically, I lack confidence in the way I look. I find it incredibly hard to look in a mirror unless I'm alone, and I can never put on makeup, or preen myself, or anything like that in public, not even in front of my friends. I can't get changed in front of people, nor can I wear daring clothes- say, a skirt more than a bit above my knee, or tight or even strappy tops (never mind low-cut). I don't know what it is, I just get extremely self-conscious.
A bit of background info: I'm a girl, and Indian, but don't typically look it. I've got golden-beigey skin (not sure how to describe it really) and kinda weird amber/grey/green eyes and almost black hair. When I was younger I always used to get the piss taken out of me because of my eyes, getting called "cats-eyes" or "birdpoo-eyes" etc.
I've been mistaken for looking Iranian, Italian, Spanish, half English, and the list goes on. My cousin doesn't like me as I look different to her, and when I go back to India I always get stared at a lot because I don't look like the norm.
I don't wear a lot of makeup or dress in a daring way because of this and I tend to try and blend in as much as possible.
Over the past year especially, I've been getting a lot more attention from people, but generally the wrong sort of people. I'm fed up of the internet stalkers and facebook pervs who all turn out to be 30-40 year-olds and it makes me feel unsettled and insecure.
I don't get praise from the people who matter to me most and yet I can't go out to many places without being stared at or getting dirty looks by women/wolf whistled or chatted up by men and it's come to the point where I'm not even sure if they stare at me because I look
that weird or wolf whistle just to take the mickey! For example, the other day I went out for a film but I was dressed in Indian clothes having just come back from a party. All the women in the toilet were staring at me in a really weird way and made me feel uncomfortable. As I was walking out, there were gangs of chavs in groups who made comments which embarrassed me so much, especially in front of my dad.
The thing is, I see myself as ugly. I've never considered myself to be attractive, but just thankful for what I do have really, and worked very hard to make up for it by being the best possible person I can be on the inside. I tend to scrutinise myself a lot, and pick out all my faults. On the other hand though, I praise everyone else because I strive to see others being happy.
I'm not a shy person, I love meeting new people and socialising. And don't get me wrong- I'm not shallow at all, and of course there's more to people than looks. But in today's day and age, I feel like I'm constantly being judged.
I admire all you confident, assertive girls who can go out and wear really high heels, perfect makeup and attention-grabbing clothes. So, my question to the girls is, where do I start? And what's your secret to feeling gorgeous?
And guys, is this a flaw on my part? would you be bothered by a girl who felt like this- a little insecure because she looks 'different'?