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how does viagra work?

anon or delete please, especially as I'm on someone else's account.

I'm 20 and never had sex, and I'm worried that it won't be as good when I have it as it would have been if I had it at 16. I remember how horny I was at 16, and the idea of sex was just the most amazing thing ever. But now its good but just not as good. So my question basically is does viagra (taken as a one-off) make you horny in the same way as I was when I was 16?

Other than that, are there any side effects to worry about? What if its not a one-off, but more like once a week or every 2 weeks?

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Reply 1
I think once you have a girl naked in front of you, wanting to have sex with you, you might feel like you did when you were 16 again. Seriously, you don't need viagra, and I don't think it does that anyway, doesn't it just make your blood circulate better or something?
Reply 2
I hope so, but I want that feeling beforehand as well. Just being 16 and seeing people walk by was like being in heaven.

so does anyone actually know how viagra makes you feel?
Well in Scary Movie 3 it made the man grow an abnormal penis for taking too many pills. So i guess it makes the blood circulate better than normal thus 'increasing' your penis size to have a more 'stable' erection.

Anyway, only old men take it, really. Or Porn-stars.
It induces vasodilation and hypertension in the penile tissue, I presume.

And being anon on another user account: FAIL.
Reply 5
Well in Scary Movie 3 it made the man grow an abnormal penis for taking too many pills. So i guess it makes the blood circulate better than normal thus 'increasing' your penis size to have a more 'stable' erection.

Anyway, only old men take it, really. Or Porn-stars.

yes but is that the same thing as what was happening in my body aged 16? Or was that for a completely different reason?
Reply 6
It induces vasodilation and hypertension in the penile tissue, I presume.

And being anon on another user account: FAIL.

I don't even know what you mean. Why is that FAIL?
Reply 7
Viagra works basically by increasing blood flow to the penis. It doesn't make you hornier directly or affect sex hormones.

There are other drugs, various dopamine agonists for example, that work through the neural side of arousal, that presumably have a more direct effect on how you "feel".
It wont make you more horny, it'll just stabilise the blood flow, meaning you stay more erect for longer.

I wouldn't worry, once you get to that point, you'll be past caring if Viagra's what you need :wink:
All Viagra does is dilates the blood vessels in the penis, allowing it to become erect. Older men take it because in their old age they stop being able to get an erection due to constricting of the blood vessels (not a medical student so don't hold me to that) - younger men don't need to take it.

It doesn't make you "hornier" or anything; that'd be purely psychosomatic.
Reply 10
yes but is that the same thing as what was happening in my body aged 16? Or was that for a completely different reason?

Not a completely different reason, but not only the same reason. You'd have to sort out a real cocktail of drugs and hormones to emulate mid-puberty horniness
Reply 11
In Lehmann's terms.... cause you said you didnt get it....

It sends more blood to the penis that it normally receives.... and no you won't get any hornier, because its a physcological(thought/mind) thing

Reply 12
Viagra works basically by increasing blood flow to the penis. It doesn't make you hornier directly or affect sex hormones.

There are other drugs, various dopamine agonists for example, that work through the neural side of arousal, that presumably have a more direct effect on how you "feel".

Right, thanks for that.

OK so if I'm oly going to take one drug, it should be one of these things rather than viagra?

Do you know much about them, if they're safe, which to take, how to get them, etc? Looked it up on wiki and didn't understand a word...
Reply 13
You could go doctor shopping for cabergoline or bromcriptine, but there's basically no chance ever ever ever that they'd give you anything
Reply 14
If your sex drive is lacking recently (you haven't said that but I assume that's basically the problem) then I'd suggest in the first instance a non-pharmaceutical approach to rectifying the problem. There's a lot you could look at in terms of diet and physical activity, for example.

In any case, you probably won't feel 16 again without drugs and stuff
Reply 15
Surely you should wait until you're actually in a position where you are having sex, before you start worrying about pumping your body full of unnessesary drugs.
Worrying about how it should feel and comparing it to a stage where you have high levels of hormones (puberty) is only going to to diminish your enjoyment of sex when you come to have it.
Reply 16
If your sex drive is lacking recently (you haven't said that but I assume that's basically the problem) then I'd suggest in the first instance a non-pharmaceutical approach to rectifying the problem. There's a lot you could look at in terms of diet and physical activity, for example.

In any case, you probably won't feel 16 again without drugs and stuff

I don't think so. I'm guessing its roughly normal for a 20 year old. Its just not that astronomically amazing sex drive I used to have.

I've heard exercise helps, and I'm just getting back into playing sport so I guess we'll find out soon. But tbh if those drugs you mentioned that doctors won't give me can be taken safely, I'd definitely want to.

Anyway, if a doctor won't give it to me I'd be worried about getting low quality/dangerous stuff from the internet or something, so tbh I'd end my ambition there. I'm sure it'll be amazing when it happens anyway. I just hope when I die and go to heaven, God will let me be 16 for a day, or something like that...
Why would you want to feel like you were 16?
In Lehmann's terms.... cause you said you didnt get it....

It sends more blood to the penis that it normally receives.... and no you won't get any hornier, because its a physcological(thought/mind) thing


Sorry, I just love this.
Reply 19
Why would you want to feel like you were 16?

As I've said, I want the same horniness I had then.