The Student Room Group

The times tuesday law supplement question?

Hey i'm having trouble actually locating the supplement, am i right in thinking its on Tuesday? I have the Times for today (Tuesday) and i've searched through it and can't find any Law supplements, is it a different magazine you have to buy that comes out on Tuesday or does it come with the newspaper? If so where!?! Under 'Opinion' or 'Buisness' or what?

Thanks x
just return it to your newsagent
It did use to come out on a Tuesday but the last couple of Tuesdays when I've bought the Times, I haven't been able to locate it either. I don't know whether they have stopped doing it?
Reply 3
I've bought the Times for months and the Law supplement is on Thursday, usually placed just before the Business section
Reply 5
Lol, that's because it is on Thursdays!!

And it's always in the centre of the newspaper, as a seperate pullout.
Lol, that's because it is on Thursdays!!

And it's always in the centre of the newspaper, as a seperate pullout.

I don't know where I got Tuesday from.
Reply 7
If any of you lot are at uni you can get The Times for 25p.
Yes right. Used to be Tuesdays now on Thursdays.Although not always in centre and not always a pullout.Usually near the Business section and after the Obituary section.Abdul Aziz LL.B LL.M