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clearing for law llb

I was wondering if there are any current students studying law llb at southampton who got through using clearing? I got rejected this week and looking back on it I should have waited until I'd had more mocks to boost my predicted grades before I applied as the requirements are AAA and I am currently at AAB aspiring for at least AAA in the real exams. If I managed to get the sufficient results on the day is there a likely chance for spots for this course in clearing? I'm hoping so but as law is such a competitive subject I'm convinced that there won't be any spare capacity for the course. I've received offers from 2 unis so far (royal holloway and sussex) however both have aspects that I've realised are slightly off-putting for me and I was also rejected from my top choice of Bristol.
(edited 3 years ago)
I have put RH and Sussex as options too. What are the negatives of these two you feel?
Reply 2
Original post by LONDON2022
I have put RH and Sussex as options too. What are the negatives of these two you feel?

hi!! tbh like I said the negatives aren’t major it’s more that I wish I had considered more unis before applying so soon as I didn’t need to, for royal holloway the one thing that puts me off a bit is the location, like the university itself is stunning but the area it’s in doesn’t have much to do without travelling to london and I just really dislike the area in general, for sussex it’s more the idea I get of the atmosphere of the university? I picked it as it’s in brighton which I love but honestly the university itself isn’t that appealing to me other than it’s place on the league tables like I don’t like the campus and it seems like you can’t really do anything on campus or socialise with others as much
OK thanks. Yes Egham isn’t the best. They are improving it but no real night life but it is not far from London and close to Windsor. I like the university campus. Sussex I am less sure of for the reasons you quote. I don’t know about clearing but it looks like the more popular ones don’t seem to have spaces left on clearing.
Reply 4
Original post by nina-np
I was wondering if there are any current students studying law llb at southampton who got through using clearing? I got rejected this week and looking back on it I should have waited until I'd had more mocks to boost my predicted grades before I applied as the requirements are AAA and I am currently at AAB aspiring for at least AAA in the real exams. If I managed to get the sufficient results on the day is there a likely chance for spots for this course in clearing? I'm hoping so but as law is such a competitive subject I'm convinced that there won't be any spare capacity for the course. I've received offers from 2 unis so far (royal holloway and sussex) however both have aspects that I've realised are slightly off-putting for me and I was also rejected from my top choice of Bristol.

Hellooo! I am currently on the LLB at Soton and I got in through clearing with ABBC - this was after being rejected at the UCAS application stage - all very odd as my application was with those grades already achieved at A Level as I was coming as a mature student. Definitely don't let it get you down as there is always loads of spaces at clearing AFAIK
Original post by gebbeg11
Hellooo! I am currently on the LLB at Soton and I got in through clearing with ABBC - this was after being rejected at the UCAS application stage - all very odd as my application was with those grades already achieved at A Level as I was coming as a mature student. Definitely don't let it get you down as there is always loads of spaces at clearing AFAIK

hi im not sure if youre still active but do you know any one else that had this too bc im sort of in the same predicament as her, what was your application process like?

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