The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well, if you can control it when needs be, then it shouldn't be a problem. This is just an outsider's view, don't know if there's any special rules.

I guess though, that if you could control depression, it wouldn't be depression. So I dunno.

Shouldn't have posted really LOL.
Reply 2
im afraid youll have to contact the force youre applying for

i think they will decide whether youre suitable or not - page 18 "Mood Disorders / Depression / Bipolar Disorders -
Likely to require further information, investigation and assessment"
Reply 3
Nope it shouldn't harm your application as long as it isn't really that serious. x
Yes it does. Unfortunately most forces wont accept you unless you have been off all meds for at least a year. I took the decision to not go on antidepressants because i knew this. There are forces who have been challenged on this at tribunals but unfortunately the policy still stands.
Reply 5
Post your question here:
As a police officer who has had depression I would strongly advise not joining the police if you are prone to depression. The job is very stressful and thankless and will definately make your depression worse. You go from negative job to negative job dealing with the worst of society and the levels of abuse are astounding, plus long hours and restricted budgets tight deadlines and high pressure. Trust me years of this take its toll big time.