The Student Room Group


Another pointless thread, but hell, isn't that what forums are for? :-p

How well do you sleep?

I tend to wake up at least 5-6 times a night, but i get back to sleep pretty quickly. I don't know if it's noises that wake me up or not, or it just randomly happens..Sometimes it seems to happen at the end of dreams as like an intermission before the next one :-P

Then again i've always been a very light sleeper. :-o

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Reply 1
I've slept through numerous burglar alarms.
Reply 2
I'm a really deep sleeper. I will never wake up during the night once i've fallen asleep. Unless perhaps I'm actually ill.

Talking of sleep, I probably should go to sleep now, but i'm too lazy to move :P
It really depends on me..atm im not sleeping very well as im not as active during the day, so im staying awake im going through a bit of a rough patch so im kept awake by thoughts, worries etc...

on a good patch...i can happily sleep for 12hours straight.
I can voluntarily go two weeks straight without sleeping and still maintain a clear conscience. I've been up for three days now.

But I sleep like a log (when I do).
It takes a while to get to sleep usually, but once I'm gone, very little wakes me up.
I once slept through a car chase coming into and ending in my little cul-de-sac - apparently there were police sirens blaring and a helicopter overhead. I was the only person who didn't wake up in the whole street.
Ive been to different countries and slept through really bad thunderstorms when its woke everyone else up :P:
So im a pretty deep sleeper!
Reply 7
I saw on MTV Pimp My Ride this guy's van had 24000watts of power in his amp. 136 decibels. That would wake anybody up.
I sleep for about 4 hours, then wake up.

Then go back to sleep/wake up all the time until I get out of bed.
I'm alseep right now.
Reply 10
It takes a while to get to sleep usually, but once I'm gone, very little wakes me up.
I once slept through a car chase coming into and ending in my little cul-de-sac - apparently there were police sirens blaring and a helicopter overhead. I was the only person who didn't wake up in the whole street.

erm the longest someone has gone without sleep and lived is about 2 weeks, and they were admitted to hospital with organ damage - so sorry, but i am skeptical
erm the longest someone has gone without sleep and lived is about 2 weeks, and they were admitted to hospital with organ damage - so sorry, but i am skeptical

I've gone 2 weeks without sleep and been fine.
Reply 12
lol, sorry but the longest anyone has gone is 11 days (just checked) so if you have weldone to you, go tell some world record persona and get your name on a plaque -but until then i personally believe you are being loose with the truth shall we say
necessarily benevolent
I've gone 2 weeks without sleep and been fine.

Randy Gardner holds a Guinness world record for the longest period of time a human being has intentionally gone without sleep not using stimulants of any kind. In 1964, as a 17-year-old high school student in San Diego, California, Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours (11 days) with the help of friends, TV reporters, and shooting hoops. On his final day without sleep, Gardner presided over a press conference where he spoke without slurring or stumbling his words and in general appeared to be in excellent health. “I wanted to prove that bad things didn’t happen if you went without sleep,” said Gardner. “I thought, ‘I can break that (Peter Tripp’s 1959) record and I don’t think it would be a negative experience.’” Sleep experts now believe that such sleep deprivation stunts are dangerous

Congratulations, you have a new world record.
I'm a deeep deeep sleeper, nothing will wake me! Nothing!
Like a rock. Unless it's a new bed I'm in (like when I moved into my flat for uni), then I wake up a couple of times until I get used to it. Don't need as much sleep nowadays though. Used to need 12 - 14hrs sleep at the weekend. :s-smilie:
Reply 16
There was a fire in my halls last year in the block next to mine; lots of firetrucks, police, etc.

I never woke up. :rolleyes:
Reply 17
Not me, but my grandad was telling me about when he was in the wrsaw uprising. He had been on patrol for 12 hours, and got back to there base (an old firemans station I think he said) and went to sleep. He woke up 8 hours later to find dust everywhere and people running around. It turned out he had slept through the Germans shelling the building.

Beat tha :yep:
Reply 18
i've always loved my sleep and always slept well but i have had nights where i've been worried and stressing and just not sleeping which is not me :'(
I slept through the last earthquake no too long ago, I was so disappointed I missed it.