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RCSI bahrain 2022 Entry

Is anyone applying to rcsi Bahrain?

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Yeah, I'm planning to do it in the coming weeks.
Reply 2
Original post by sherdilsherazi
Is anyone applying to rcsi Bahrain?

Can you tell me why you choose Bahrain instead RCSI Dublin? Just curious cuz I don't know much about these two. I might apply to Bahrain as well
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by PuckPaack
Yeah, I'm planning to do it in the coming weeks.

so did you apply and got any interviews ?
Original post by sherdilsherazi
so did you apply and got any interviews ?

Did you receive an interview?
Original post by Shawarma10
Did you receive an interview?

yeah just had it today
Original post by sherdilsherazi
yeah just had it today

That's awesome. How did it go? Any tips? I've been trying to find someone who's also applying to RCSI for so long.
Original post by Shawarma10
That's awesome. How did it go? Any tips? I've been trying to find someone who's also applying to RCSI for so long.

it was quite good more like a conversation. it was mostly around my personal statement
Original post by sherdilsherazi
it was quite good more like a conversation. it was mostly around my personal statement

That's great. Are you applying to any other schools or is rcsi your #1 choice?
ive applied to uk aswell as Ireland but my number 1 choice is rcsi
Original post by sherdilsherazi
ive applied to uk aswell as Ireland but my number 1 choice is rcsi

If you dont mind me asking what were your grades/ qualifications?
GCE 4A* and 6 A
Alevel predicted 2A* 1 A
Original post by sherdilsherazi
GCE 4A* and 6 A
Alevel predicted 2A* 1 A

Thats great! Goodluck to you . When are you doing your a'level examinations?
Original post by Anonymous
Thats great! Goodluck to you . When are you doing your a'level examinations?

this june . Thanks
Hello there, Did you get accepted for the 6 year program or 5 year program; if you applied for the undergraduate medicine program that is.
Original post by _nydal._
Hello there, Did you get accepted for the 6 year program or 5 year program; if you applied for the undergraduate medicine program that is.

got accepted for the 5 year program
I got considered for the 6 year program and my interview is scheduled for march 9th. Anyways, do you know anything about the uni, regarding the student life and the quality of education, whether its approved by the GMC or not. Have you talked with any alumi or current students?
(edited 2 years ago)
Hey there, what were your qualifications and when did you apply?
Original post by Anonymous
Hey there, what were your qualifications and when did you apply?

I applied 2 weeks ago and i presented them with an 89% predicted in my a-level.
Did you apply to rcsi ireland or bahrain?

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