The Student Room Group

Black guys and having both ears pierced.

Well, I've got both ears pierced, and no I'm not a chav or rudeboy but it just looks good on me.

Well anyway we were discussing piercings the other day and the main concensus was that having both ears pierced on a guy only looks sexy if the guys black. Like my mate was like, "It only looks good on you becasue you're black, it wouldn't suit me at all"

I was just wondering what people on here think about it and whether it really matters whether a guys black or not.

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I always thought it was a bit gay on a white man.
I think ear piercings on guys are disgusting! It doesn't matter if they're white or black, they're just ew. ¬¬
Reply 3
I don't particularly like it on guys at all, when it's like the diamond earrings.

The only thing I wouldnt mind a guy having in both ears is flesh tunnels.
Actually, I hadn't really thought about this at all before now but I reckon your mate's right. :s-smilie:

100% EXACTLY this. :s-smilie:
I suppose earrings are alright.. but nosepiercings on guys is a big no no! Somehow, Wanna-be Tupac comes to my :smile:
Reply 6
I think pierced ears on a black guy looks far more acceptable than pierced ears on a white guy. The worst thing I could ever see on a white guy is two huge diamante studs. Looks dreadful.
Reply 7
Yeah, I think it does suit black guys, but not white guys. It looks hot on black guys :hubba:
Think of it like this - white guys can't pull it off.

Although I do wholeheartedly agree that ear piercings should be a no no for guys.

Reply 9
I think ear piercings on guys are disgusting! It doesn't matter if they're white or black, they're just ew. ¬¬

Agreed. :yep:
Reply 10
it doesn't matter at all. its not chavvy. its not gay. its not anything but what you make of it. skin colour has nothing to do with it. if you like it, you do it. whatever other people think be damned.

I hate pierced ears on boys whether black or white.
Reply 12
It depends on the person altogether really. Some people can pull it off and some can't.
I know one indian boy who has both pierced and it looks good and i know another where it doesn't. I think being black has nothing to do with it.
Well, I've got both ears pierced, and no I'm not a chav or rudeboy but it just looks good on me.

Well anyway we were discussing piercings the other day and the main concensus was that having both ears pierced on a guy only looks sexy if the guys black. Like my mate was like, "It only looks good on you becasue you're black, it wouldn't suit me at all"

I was just wondering what people on here think about it and whether it really matters whether a guys black or not.

I remember thinking that it looks nicer on black guys :smile: But I couldn't tell you why I think that because I dont know... maybe they have better choice in earrings or something :p:
Reply 14
I dont mind one pierced ear on any person doesnt matter what their colour is. However I dont like two pierced ears on any boys, I think it only suits girls.
Reply 15
No chap should ever have an ear pierced, let alone both.
Reply 16
I don't like both ears pierced on boys regardless of skin colour
Reply 17
I don't like any piercings on guys, and only ears on a girl. Anything else to me is just tacky.
Reply 18
Lol, so a lot of student room girls don't like it. I must appeal to different sort of girls.
Reply 19
I don't mind either way. Although most of the guys I've been out with have had both pierced (and black), my best friend's boyfriend is Spanish with both pierced and it looks good!