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Richy Rich$$
Has any ne1 applied for an instrumental award? What instrument?

Flute :flute: :thrasher:

* :hmpf: I wish I played viola :hmpf: *
Reply 2
Me! horn
Me! horn

OOh, another horn player (although I kinda gave up over the summer). I will warn you that the standard for horn is pretty high.

Violin :smile:

Although... thinkin could do bassoon... ?
Reply 5
How high is pretty high? I have a scholarship from the Royal Academy and an offer from Guildhall that I was planning on taking up before I found out about cambridge. How many instrumental scholarships are given to horn players anyway? :smile:
Reply 6
I'm going to apply for one...not sure what instrument though, either piano, violin or viola. Can you apply on different instruments and be considered seperately for each?

I'm going to apply for one...not sure what instrument though, either piano, violin or viola. Can you apply on different instruments and be considered seperately for each?


I suppose viola would be least competative :wink:

You could just email them. Has anyone heard anything actually about it rathetr than just ticking the wee box?
Reply 8
Yeh but I don't want free viola lessons to be honest! I only play it because my school orchestra didn't have a viola player...

The only problem with the instrumental awards is that they're geared towards encouraging chamber music, and I don't really have alot to but down on my chamber music resumee :frown:

What kind of standard do you think most of the applicants are?

Yeh but I don't want free viola lessons to be honest! I only play it because my school orchestra didn't have a viola player...

The only problem with the instrumental awards is that they're geared towards encouraging chamber music, and I don't really have alot to but down on my chamber music resumee :frown:

What kind of standard do you think most of the applicants are?


well, at least grade 8 distinction :wink: I take it you are that at all three? :eek:
You wouldn't get free viola lessons anyway would you? As I understand it your ensemble is coached, not you individually. You wouldn't actually get lessons, someone would just take the quartet or whatever chamber ensemble it is. I'd say that violin and piano are probably the 2 most competitive instruments there are, so unless you're absolutely amazing, wouldn't the viola be a safer option? I suppose you'd have to balance how much you want an award in relation to how much you'd rather not play the viola! :smile:
Yeh, I really don't like playing the viola that much :P
I thought that the main value of the instrumental awards was that you got free tuition and (maybe this is only if you get one for piano) a piano in your room - maybe I was wrong!

platinumki - I've done diplomas on piano and exams on the viola, but I'm the same standard as violin (not a great deal of difference between the two!).

You aren't discriminated against in things like orchestras if you don't have an award are you?

Yeh, I really don't like playing the viola that much :P
I thought that the main value of the instrumental awards was that you got free tuition and (maybe this is only if you get one for piano) a piano in your room - maybe I was wrong!

platinumki - I've done diplomas on piano and exams on the viola, but I'm the same standard as violin (not a great deal of difference between the two!).

You aren't discriminated against in things like orchestras if you don't have an award are you?


Well, I think they'll wonder why you want to play viola if violin is the instrument you've taken exams in (and I assume know bits of the relevant repertoire for). As for standard - it vrries quite a lot but all the instrumental award people I know are at least past their diploma. Some instruments are more competitive but it is a question of how many people they take for example they takee quite a few violinist each year but only one horn player and one bassoonist etc. In terms of getting into orchestras being an IA is pretty useful but I know a violist IA who's in CUMS II,

Reply 13
Can anyone tell me if it is harder to get into CUMS1 or CUSU? Which is considered the better orchestra? And how is CUMS2 rated please?
Can anyone tell me if it is harder to get into CUMS1 or CUSU? Which is considered the better orchestra? And how is CUMS2 rated please?

I assume you mean CUSO (Cambridge university symphony orchestra) rather than CUSU (Cambridge university students union). In terms of quality they are all grade 8+ standard with CUMS1 being the hardest to get into (There is also CUCO but that's very small and elitist/prestigious). CUMS2 and CUSO are about the same difficulty to get into I think but the difference is that CUSO is independent and student run.

Reply 15
For you average grade 8 trumpet player, what are the standard of orchestras open to me?
I know CUMS and CUCO are out of the question, but what are the others like?
I got my application form today for the instrumental awards and set pieces and stuff!

Reply 17
I got my application form today for the instrumental awards and set pieces and stuff!


What instrument
although got set pieces for all instruments