The Student Room Group

Sore, dry nipples...

Basically for the last, perhaps, week or so my nipples have been a bit sore and I've just noticed that they are really dry. They're 'hard' all the time for want of a better word.

They are not sore enough to bother me all the time, just if I touch them.

I have had sex recently, we used a condom, it didn't break

I'm due to start my period round about now

Should I take a pregnancy test?
What reasons could there be for this?
mmmm..dont bother taking a pregnancy test unless your period is late, would be a waste really.

Incidentally sore nipples can be due to rubbing on underwear, hormones (eg pms) and simply..and this is in the nicest way possible, someone sucking on them a bit too much (eg a lover)
Reply 2
mmmm..dont bother taking a pregnancy test unless your period is late, would be a waste really.

Incidentally sore nipples can be due to rubbing on underwear, hormones (eg pms) and simply..and this is in the nicest way possible, someone sucking on them a bit too much (eg a lover)

*cough* may actually be the reason *cough* :o:

Thanks, I fear the stress will delay my period now though! Arrgh.

They're, sort've, permanently hard and got darker (I think) though. And I've never noticed this before around the time of my period :eek:. Maybe I am stressing over nothing.

Thanks for the reply though. Do you know what's okay to put on them? Would just normal moisturiser be okay?
*cough* may actually be the reason *cough* :o:

Thanks, I fear the stress will delay my period now though! Arrgh.

They're, sort've, permanently hard and got darker (I think) though. And I've never noticed this before around the time of my period :eek:. Maybe I am stressing over nothing.

Thanks for the reply though. Do you know what's okay to put on them? Would just normal moisturiser be okay?

lol i had the same issue as a certin ex-lover got a bit too happy...i hope this isn't the same person thats done it to us..*gets a lil bit worried*

just apply antiseptic cream, and wash with warm water and wear cotton underwear. It may be something or nothing, pms is odd..its never the same every month
Reply 4
Thanks, just a bit worried about it now. I'll wait a few days see if it gets any better after my period (which will hopefully arrive!:eek: )
Sore breasts = sign of pregnancy

Missed period = sign of pregnancy

Conclusion: take a test, if it's positive decide what you want to do. If it's negative, wait a week, take another. If it's positive you have a decision to make, if that one is negative too then go to docs find out why you've missed a period and check it's not a double false negative.

Unless you come on your period in that time then obviously you're prob okay.

Edit: sorry that came across a bit dramatic. There are also loads of reasons your nipples could be sore like Anna Spanner has said and plenty of reasons your period could be late (if it is late).
Reply 6
:eek: anyone else care to provide a third opinion?

Still no period :frown:
it's just pms.
Reply 8
Suppose I am just overeacting. Just never had this before my period before and now my period is a day late :frown:

I need to relax so my period isn't even more late due to the stress. Bah. it's all a vicious circle.
The, ahem, sucking thing is probably the most likely...been there, done that!
Rubbing from friction, im just going from a male point of view? Its getting cold, erect nipples, cloth, rubbing. I will be putting Vaseline on mine tonight for sure :rolleyes:

I'm new here.

Hello everyone.

I am a medical student and I am highly brainy.

I would be happy to have a look.

Could you post up pics, or mail some to me.

Good luck with your wonky nips!

Rod (MD)(almost)
Reply 12
Rod Rammage

I'm new here.

Hello everyone.

I am a medical student and I am highly brainy.

I would be happy to have a look.

Could you post up pics, or mail some to me.

Good luck with your wonky nips!

Rod (MD)(almost)

WTF :confused: I never said they were wonky.

And you expect me to post pictures of my breats on a forum or email them to you? :rolleyes:

Thanks but no thanks Mr Rod (MD) (almost)
just put some E45 on them after you take a shower- should help some
Reply 14
Rod Rammage

I'm new here.

Hello everyone.

I am a medical student and I am highly brainy.

I would be happy to have a look.

Could you post up pics, or mail some to me.

Good luck with your wonky nips!

Rod (MD)(almost)

:rofl2: Nice try!

Doubt it'll get you any internet boob though :rolleyes:
So were you pregnant or was it just a false alarm??
I'm esxperiencing dry nipples also, and my period is a week late...
im getting worried?
anyone care to share opinion?
Reply 16
Hey, it was a flase alarm (thankfully)

Took a pregnancy test and I do wonder if that helped me stress about it less and it was stress making my period late?

I put some Savlon on mine and it helped a lot.

Hope yours get better :smile:
Dry nipples, very sore and tender. I stopped my birth control shot 2 months ago and haven't gotten my period yet. I get slight cramping but no period. When I was on the shot I was spotting almost everyday. As soon as I stopped the shot the spotting immediately stopped. Should I be concerned??
Original post by Stargazer570
Dry nipples, very sore and tender. I stopped my birth control shot 2 months ago and haven't gotten my period yet. I get slight cramping but no period. When I was on the shot I was spotting almost everyday. As soon as I stopped the shot the spotting immediately stopped. Should I be concerned??

This is a really old thread! I'm going to close it as you're unlikely to get any replies, you're welcome to make your own though. If you're concerned see a doctor though :smile: