If you want to take part, please fill out the form below. Note that you will be followed up on in January so please don't fill it in if you'd be unwilling to report a rejection.
In 2016, Doones did a very similar thing in order to produce this graph, the point of which is that applicants are bad at judging how well their interviews went, and that you shouldn't be too worried about an interview you think went badly:
I'm trying to recreate this to make it a bit more solid, as well as also considering how hard applicants felt their interviews were.
Hi - would you consider making another for Oxbridge as a whole? It might give a larger data pool.
I believe @azby1098 is collecting similar data publicly on the Oxford thread so it certainly might be possible to combine the datasets. I might get round to it but someone else could also have a look if they want.
I believe @azby1098 is collecting similar data publicly on the Oxford thread so it certainly might be possible to combine the datasets. I might get round to it but someone else could also have a look if they want.
Yes I am. Not as detailed and will be a much smaller data set, but I have set up an interview scoring system and will make the spreadsheet available to edit next Tuesday and users can add whether they were made an offer or rejected.
If you want to take part, please fill out the form below. Note that you will be followed up on in January so please don't fill it in if you'd be unwilling to report a rejection.
Since you are doing a research on interviews, I guess this might be a good place to ask the following.
I applied to Trinity to read mathematics starting in October 2022. I chose Trinity because it gives the most full scholarships. I completely failed the interview, my brain basically stopped working and so I ended up doing a curve sketching for almost half an hour. At the end I received an offer from another college which probably doesn't give full scholarships, so I won't be able to continue education there.
So, I am interested to hear whether anybody knows how much they value interview performance. I think that apart from it, my application has been almost perfect - International Math Olympiad Silver, twice attending a six-week-long summer math program. So, does anybody know how interview performance compares to other parts of an application? Do they value an interview the most?
Since you are doing a research on interviews, I guess this might be a good place to ask the following.
I applied to Trinity to read mathematics starting in October 2022. I chose Trinity because it gives the most full scholarships. I completely failed the interview, my brain basically stopped working and so I ended up doing a curve sketching for almost half an hour. At the end I received an offer from another college which probably doesn't give full scholarships, so I won't be able to continue education there.
So, I am interested to hear whether anybody knows how much they value interview performance. I think that apart from it, my application has been almost perfect - International Math Olympiad Silver, twice attending a six-week-long summer math program. So, does anybody know how interview performance compares to other parts of an application? Do they value an interview the most?
Thank you in advance!
Interview scores are usually very important. No official data on this, really, but you could probably do some analysis on FOI requests to determine what the best predictors of receiving an offer are.
Interview scores are usually very important. No official data on this, really, but you could probably do some analysis on FOI requests to determine what the best predictors of receiving an offer are.
Quick update on data collection for anyone wondering: I've sent out the second round of emails as well as the first round of PMs to non-respondents. So far the response isn't terrible, I have results for approximately 109 out of 154 initial respondents. I intend to start removing the initial respondents who didn't provide valid usernames or email addresses, and then I will send out a third round of emails and PMs in the coming week (attempting this time to correct misspelled usernames and email addresses) as well as leaving another week or so after that for the responses to stop trickling in. At that point I will do the data analysis and post it here.
Quick update on data collection for anyone wondering: I've sent out the second round of emails as well as the first round of PMs to non-respondents. So far the response isn't terrible, I have results for approximately 109 out of 154 initial respondents. I intend to start removing the initial respondents who didn't provide valid usernames or email addresses, and then I will send out a third round of emails and PMs in the coming week (attempting this time to correct misspelled usernames and email addresses) as well as leaving another week or so after that for the responses to stop trickling in. At that point I will do the data analysis and post it here.
Thank you! Looking forward to the results, btw your email turned up in my spam so that may have prevented some people from seeing them!
I've had a brief look through the data and it might be a little more difficult than I thought. The results are close enough that I may have to learn new data analysis methods to get a meaningful answer. I will say that that alone (considering the sample size) suggests that it's close enough for the previous assumption to hold.
I've had a brief look through the data and it might be a little more difficult than I thought. The results are close enough that I may have to learn new data analysis methods to get a meaningful answer. I will say that that alone (considering the sample size) suggests that it's close enough for the previous assumption to hold.
Hello everyone, the results are now in! Depressingly, it's inconclusive whether applicants can predict their interview scores with any accuracy, though I can safely say applicants can't predict them with high accuracy. The full dataset, as well as a (rushed and poor) attempt at proper analysis can be found below.
This has been fun and I might have to see you all again next year