The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Nope, he's a tosspot.
He's a tosspot I agree; but he did make me laugh when I watched him interviewing other people on his show.
Reply 3
I don't mind Jonathan Woss, but I don't find him vewy funny.
Reply 4
Strongly Like his chat show.
I dont like or hate him.
I don't really have a lot against him .. but he's far too over-rated.
Reply 7
No, no one likes him. That's why he has a long-running, popular and multiple award-winning chat show, amongst other things.
I see many people have said they like him, but very few have posted to justify why. Hmm!

I don't find him in the least bit funny.
Reply 9
he used to be ok, he wasn't anything special but nowhere as embarrassingly unfunny as he is now.
His show is fairly good, his voice is plain annoying =/
GRRRRRR- he is sooooo annoying! I just don't find him funny at all and his stupid voice really iwwitates me! GRR GRR.

This thread has made me think about Jonathon Ross, which just always has a tendency to make me angry!!
Reply 12
I don't think he's that bad, but I don't think he's that good either.
He loves himself as well. I don't think that is justified.
Reply 13
hes a talented presenter, but also a bit of a dick
Reply 14
I enjoy watching his show. :smile:
Reply 15
No, no one likes him. That's why he has a long-running, popular and multiple award-winning chat show, amongst other things.

Well, noone likes the Jews, but they're a thriving race with millions of members!

I think he's a rubbish interviewer, he always reverts the discussion back to himself, or back to his willy and bum-bum jokes. Which is frankly embarrassing with someone like Stevie Wonder.
I like film 2008, i think friday night is ok, depends on the guest though, never listened to his radio show.
I like him. I think hes funny. I love Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, I watch it every week and think it is brilliant.
I like this Jonathan Ross clip:
I don't really have a lot against him .. but he's far too over-rated.
