The Student Room Group

LSE Anthropology and Law 2022

Hi, is anyone applying for law and anthropology at LSE? If so, have you heard anything back?
Plus, I thought we should probably have a 2022 thread.

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Hi, I've applied to Anthropology and Law at LSE as well for this coming 2022, haven't heard anything back yet assuming that's a good sign though as long as its not a rejection.
Reply 2
Original post by patriciadh
Hi, I've applied to Anthropology and Law at LSE as well for this coming 2022, haven't heard anything back yet assuming that's a good sign though as long as its not a rejection.

I agree!!! I am anxiously waiting, I heard the acceptance rate was really low which is worrying.
Reply 3
Hey I applied over a month ago, I've only had the confirmation of application email so far, I've heard LSE only start looking at applications after the UCAS deadline, so I doubt we'll get offers/rejections until feb. But yeah the acceptance rate is worrying because their actual intake compared to the amount of ppl that apply is so little
(edited 3 years ago)
Hi guys, I'm applying for this course too, but my personal statement is quite law oriented too! But its so annoying because I genuinely feel like I would love the anthropological side of things too, since I'm a geek for geography and social sciences.
What are everyones predicted grades like and what did you guys write about in your personal statements?!
Original post by aysh2626
Hi guys, I'm applying for this course too, but my personal statement is quite law oriented too! But its so annoying because I genuinely feel like I would love the anthropological side of things too, since I'm a geek for geography and social sciences.
What are everyones predicted grades like and what did you guys write about in your personal statements?!

where are you from
Original post by aysh2626
Hi guys, I'm applying for this course too, but my personal statement is quite law oriented too! But its so annoying because I genuinely feel like I would love the anthropological side of things too, since I'm a geek for geography and social sciences.
What are everyones predicted grades like and what did you guys write about in your personal statements?!

my predicted grades were A*A*AA* economics maths history + epq, in terms of the personal statement since most of my courses were politics/philosophy etc. I touched a lot on legal, political, philosophical anthro + my epq was an anthro topic hence that was included in my Reference ! wb urs ?
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by leahbozkurt
where are you from

From the UK, you?
Original post by patriciadh
my predicted grades were A*A*AA* economics maths history + epq, in terms of the personal statement since most of my courses were politics/philosophy etc. I touched a lot on legal, political, philosophical anthro + my epq was an anthro topic hence that was included in my Reference ! wb urs ?

I'm a resit applicant so I actually dont have any a level predicteds yet- still waiting on my school 🙄 My EPQ was geopolitics related, so I'm hoping that can balance things out abit! It's nice to see other people doing this course too- I thought I was alone!
Original post by aysh2626
From the UK, you?

I'm an international student!
Original post by aysh2626
From the UK, you?

What other courses did you apply for?
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by leahbozkurt
What other courses that you apply for?

Omg cool which country are you applying from? I'm applying to all law courses, you?
i’ve already applied for this course and got rejected, LOL
Original post by Anonymous
i’ve already applied for this course and got rejected, LO

sorry to hear that. Did they provide any feedback? Or do you have any idea why?
Original post by leahbozkurt
sorry to hear that. Did they provide any feedback? Or do you have any idea why?

yeah it’s no worries, i’m applying for mostly archaeology anthro courses so this was a long shot.

but basically i’m an international student and one of my scores I earned my freshman year. but apparently LSE only takes scores from the last three years of school, so not freshman year. RIP
Original post by aysh2626
Omg cool which country are you applying from? I'm applying to all law courses, you?

I'm from Turkey. I'm also applying for straight law for my other choices. Did you find it hard to integrate anthro into your PS? Which other unis are you applying for?
Original post by leahbozkurt
I'm from Turkey. I'm also applying for straight law for my other choices. Did you find it hard to integrate anthro into your PS? Which other unis are you applying for?

Omg no way im turkish!!!! Nasilsin?!! Why are you up at this time too, its late! I reaally struggled to be fair, because I really love social studies but I barely have any experiences in anthropology. I am applying to russel groups but I am unsure yet about which ones :frown: where were you thinking of going?
Original post by aysh2626
Omg no way im turkish!!!! Nasilsin?!! Why are you up at this time too, its late! I reaally struggled to be fair, because I really love social studies but I barely have any experiences in anthropology. I am applying to russel groups but I am unsure yet about which ones :frown: where were you thinking of going?

Omg whatt!! You are Turkish but living in the UK am I right?
Original post by leahbozkurt
Omg whatt!! You are Turkish but living in the UK am I right?

yeees thats right!
Original post by aysh2626
Omg no way im turkish!!!! Nasilsin?!! Why are you up at this time too, its late! I reaally struggled to be fair, because I really love social studies but I barely have any experiences in anthropology. I am applying to russel groups but I am unsure yet about which ones :frown: where were you thinking of going?

i don't see your reply :frown:

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