9. its a general proof google for it, ive forgotten how to do it, you have to write it out like n,n+1 i think
novelist: just put the figures into the equation for nth term above so d=2, a=16, n=5
c. put above values for a,d,n into 1/5n(2a etc
d. set the equation above i.e .5n(2a+n-1)d = 250 (with the specifics for a,d leaving N the one u need to find, like X in quadratics.
10. a. sketch it? put x = 0 to find the interesction with axis etc
b. differntiate it - first multiply out the brackets though
d. ok if itsa parrallel the the gradient is going to be the same as the above so take the gradient - the number in front of the X (if it is in this form y=mx+c) If it has a tangent to C then it goes through the Point P so put those numbers in to find the +C
remember general equation y=mx+c