The Student Room Group

DSA - which laptop?

Hi Im new to these forums and have a question.

I have recently done my needs assesment and I will be thankfully given a laptop to help with my studies and I have a question - is there a standard set laptop which the DSA funds?

I want to get accessories for it before it arrives. So I wondered what laptop everyone got so I can prepare.

Thanks. :smile:

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Reply 1

I have recently done my needs assesment and I will be thankfully given a laptop to help with my studies and I have a question - is there a standard set laptop which the DSA funds?

There isn't no, sorry. It really depends on your own needs and preferences (not least monitor size, portability etc.)

Did you not discuss this with your assesor? When you get the report an appropriate laptop may be suggested with the supplier's details. If you have your own preference, your own laptop in mind, then you may be able to buy that instead. However, you must first discuss this with your Local Education Authority and get their permission. If the laptop you have your eye on is more expensive that the laptop suggeted in your report you'll usually need to make up the difference.

But, there's no standard laptop that everyone gets.

What sort of accessories are you thinking about?€€
Reply 2
when you get the report from your needs assessment it will say the make and model recomended for you. i have a toshiba one personally, but what river said above is what hapens.
Mine will also be a Toshiba one (when it arrives on Tuesday, excited!) but it varies from person to person depending on what it needs to do and what you'll be using it for.

When your needs assessment report comes through it will have the exact specification of everything that's recommended for you.

What kind of accessories were you thinking of? It will probably come with things like a bag etc.
Reply 4
Durham usually use Barry Bennet as their supplier (google them if you like). The provided all kinds of specialist equipment.

They sell no-name brands that still seem like decent, portable laptops (with Vista business). They also sell Macbooks.

Anyway, during my assesment (this was my second needs assesment, just last year), we discussed Macbooks but the adviser still suggested one of those laptops from Barry Bennet. I was able to get permission from my LEA to get a different laptop, however.

So I bought an Acer last December but, as I haven't been at uni the past year, wasn't able to claim the money back. I was supposed to start this month but, once again, I need to sit this year out. So by the time next October comes this laptop will already be two years old. I'll probably just use this laptop for entertainment purposes and get a business laptop (HP probably) or Macbook next year.
Reply 5
Hi guys, i have got an assessment next week and i am wondering wether i can blag a free macbook? my freind got one but he is doing a multimedia course so its kind of related, i am doing a business course so techincally i dont "need" one to run the programs but i really want to get one, is there any strong argument i can use to persuade the assessor that i actually need one?
Original post by ollie2008
Hi guys, i have got an assessment next week and i am wondering wether i can blag a free macbook? my freind got one but he is doing a multimedia course so its kind of related, i am doing a business course so techincally i dont "need" one to run the programs but i really want to get one, is there any strong argument i can use to persuade the assessor that i actually need one?

You have a psychological need to feel smugly superior to Windows users?

(I'm saying this as a MacBook Pro user...)
Reply 7
well yes, i already have a netbook and desktop running windows 7. i just want to feel smug knowing that i got the most expensive piece of kit tbh. any good usable arguments towards mac?
Reply 8
Original post by ollie2008
well yes, i already have a netbook and desktop running windows 7. i just want to feel smug knowing that i got the most expensive piece of kit tbh. any good usable arguments towards mac?

I hope for the taxpayers sake that you don't get a MacBook, seeing as you have no need for one whatsoever.
Reply 9
Well having been a tax payer for so long i think i deserve a nice toy! Would quite like it for music production anyway!
Unless you have a cast iron need for something on your course that Windows software can't provide you've got no chance.
Reply 11
It is possible to get a Macbook. I just got a 13 inch 2.4GHZ 4GB macbook pro from the DSA!!
I'm doing a IT (computing) course and 6 out of 8 of my modules a year use windows and doing security, analysis of IT businesses and networking and blah blah blah blah.... and the other two are to do with web development and computer modeling, so I use Dream-Weaver and Flash and other bits from the Adobe suite.

I currently own a macbook 13 inch 1.83ghz 1GB Ram (late 2006) model with Adobe suite installed.
When I had my needs assessment I mentioned I currently own a Macbook and said my Adobe suite software was built for a Mac.
My needs assessor asked about office and I told them I had Mac office 2008 to type up my work.
They also asked about windows software for my other modules and what do I do?
So I told them I use Fusion with Windows XP (Vista is crap & Win 7 Probably wouldn't survive well on my current machine).
So my assessor noted all this down in my needs assessment.
Then a few days later on my draft assessment it was noted down that I must have a Macbook as I have currently owned one for the last 4ish years and that my software was only designed for Mac.
My Assessor promoted I needed a Pro and not a normal mac for multitasking because running 2-3 Adobe programs running at the same time can drain the machines recourses.
Student finance looked at this and saw I needed the Adobe suite and that I had my own copy and I was willing to put on my copy of Fusion and Windows and they approved for a macbook pro 13 inch with no problems or any Queries.

But looking back now, you can get Adobe Suite for Windows. But DSA doesn't like causing hassle for students and also they worked out that adding up getting me the Suite of Adobe and giving me a good spec Windows laptop would have cost more than the Pro and transferring my settings from the mac to the windows machine would have been more hassle, so a Macbook pro was cheaper (also note maybe one application of the Adobe suite will work well on the normal white plastic macbook but not running 3-4 of the Adobe softwares + internet + Office all at the same time - why a pro was needed) .

So all in all, you can get a Macbook from DSA or even a Pro but you must have a reason to have it, like currently owning a older one and having lots of software just for the mac and your course may use some of those softwares, this also proves that NOT just media and photography courses get a macbook or mac of some kind.

I hope this has helped.

Reply 12
I know a student who just got a 15" Macbook Pro with Pro Tools 7 installed through DSA - he's dyslexic and on a music course, so he needs to be able to access the programmes in his spare time to make up the work.

I'm going to be assessed for DSA this year (I have Asperger's). I already have quite an expensive laptop in mind, as I don't currently have my own computer. If I go to my needs assessment and they agree that I need a computer, but they only feel I need a basic one, am I allowed to make up the difference with my own money? (I know it says above that someone could, but that was posted about 2 years ago.)
Reply 13
Original post by kerily
I know a student who just got a 15" Macbook Pro with Pro Tools 7 installed through DSA - he's dyslexic and on a music course, so he needs to be able to access the programmes in his spare time to make up the work.

I'm going to be assessed for DSA this year (I have Asperger's). I already have quite an expensive laptop in mind, as I don't currently have my own computer. If I go to my needs assessment and they agree that I need a computer, but they only feel I need a basic one, am I allowed to make up the difference with my own money? (I know it says above that someone could, but that was posted about 2 years ago.)

Why exactly would you need a good laptop?
Reply 14
Original post by kerily

I'm going to be assessed for DSA this year (I have Asperger's). I already have quite an expensive laptop in mind, as I don't currently have my own computer. If I go to my needs assessment and they agree that I need a computer, but they only feel I need a basic one, am I allowed to make up the difference with my own money? (I know it says above that someone could, but that was posted about 2 years ago.)

Yes, you should still be able to, but it's best you check with your funding body and get their permission.
Reply 15
Original post by Bpcooper
Why exactly would you need a good laptop?

I don't need a good laptop. I'm not arguing that the taxpayer should pay for an all-singing, all-dancing, fantastic machine; I do need a laptop so that I can word-process, but I don't need anything better than that. However, I would like something better than that, and so if there's any way I can get help with that, that would be nice.

Original post by River85
Yes, you should still be able to, but it's best you check with your funding body and get their permission.

Thanks :smile: I don't know much about applying for DSA to be honest; I'm going to wait until I've had my needs assessment to buy anything, and then clear it up then.
Reply 16
Hi my name is Richard I am currently in year 11 and doing my GCSE's and hopfully I will be going to sixth form next year if I get my grades. I will be taking Photography, Product Design, Film Studies and Food Tech, I have no infomation on how to get DSA but if I got it, do you think I will receive a Macbook with my 3 out of 4 subjucts use macs all the time, I do not mind what I get, obviosly I would prefer a Macbook but would this premote me getting a Mac as I also find the user interface a lot more easy to use and get on with, thank very much, Richard
Reply 17
Hi Richard, -- I have just been given a MacBook Pro 15"-- there was a bit of stressing about it on the part of the assessor as they held the view that many of the people who might respond to your post seem to hold: that the MacOS is essentially the same as Windows but that it looks different -- but the funder didn't even blink.

From what I know it seems that the subject you take is not relevant: instead the concern is to level the playing field between yourself and other students in terms of being able to work at all. The computer needs to enable you to access information or produce work more easily.

As it sounds like you have been using the MacOS for some time, I would make this point to the assessor -- it is very difficult to change an established way of working and as you will be enterting uni there will already be significant changes in the way you have to live life to cope with.

Additionally: with Windows its necessary for them to buy a whole slew of addition accessibilty and other software that is built into the MacOS by default: screen reading, text-to-speech etc. Good luck with the assessment.
Wow, we all seem Mac Obsessed... which leads me onto what i'm about to say. I've been told i will be entitled to DSA so will hopefully be getting a Laptop. I really want a good laptop, as my family aren't well off i've had second hand ones off Ebay that are a bit rubbish really and want a nice one for Uni. I like the idea of getting a Mac. What is the average Laptop they give out- price range. like £500-600? If they couldn't give me a Mac could i ask to pay for the rest myself. Also, if they 'recommend' you a certain laptop but you want another one can you get one you want? As i have preferences of size etc etc
Reply 19
I certanly don't agree with people just trying to get a laptop without a disability, it's wrong. I have Dyslexia & Dyspraxia and currently I don't own a laptop to help me out during lectures. I get very stressed as I feel thta I am not getting any help, I would like a laptop to help me out during class. I should be getting a reassesmnet soon. It makes me very annyoed and angry to read that people are using the system to get a laptop that they really don't need.
(edited 13 years ago)