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Interview Questions - MPhil in Energy Technologies

My interview is in 2 days and I am freaking out, any suggestions or tips? and what kind of questions can I expect? academic or non-academic?

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Reply 1
Hey , have you heard back from them yet regarding the outcome of your interview? I had mine around the same time , on the application portal it still says “under review by department
No not yet, I have the same status. He said it’d take a few weeks until decision is released.
Reply 3
Original post by cambridgeapp
No not yet, I have the same status. He said it’d take a few weeks until decision is released.

Has your status changed from "under review by department" ?
Original post by Ahmadz
Has your status changed from "under review by department" ?

Nope, no change, for you?
Reply 5
Original post by cambridgeapp
Nope, no change, for you?

nope, still on "Under review by Department", but I know some people who got rejection letters for the same course
Original post by Ahmadz
nope, still on "Under review by Department", but I know some people who got rejection letters for the same course

Oh really? Actually do you mind sharing your whatsapp/linkedin? I have a few questions
Reply 7
Original post by cambridgeapp
Oh really? Actually do you mind sharing your whatsapp/linkedin? I have a few questions

sure , find me on linkedin : Ahmed Azmeer from Sharjah
Hi guys? Anyone’s status changed on the portal?
Yes, to under review by degree committee
Original post by cambridgeapp
Yes, to under review by degree committee

Do you mind me asking when was that?
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by Kareemroushdi
Do you mind me asking when was that?

I checked it on Wednesday i think, but I had not opened the portal for a week so it could have been earlier as well
Just saw on gradeCafe that someone got an offer on the 28th of January
Original post by Kareemroushdi
Just saw on gradeCafe that someone got an offer on the 28th of January

Did they get the offer or the application went to pao stage? Because usually offers are rolled out in feb
Original post by cambridgeapp
Did they get the offer or the application went to pao stage? Because usually offers are rolled out in feb

It just says “accepted” so im not sure
Original post by cambridgeapp
Did they get the offer or the application went to pao stage? Because usually offers are rolled out in feb

It just says “accepted” so im not sure
It just went to PAO because it states recommended to receive an offer.” It still has to go through PAO.
Original post by virusofphoenix
It just went to PAO because it states recommended to receive an offer.” It still has to go through PAO.

Yeah that might be it. By the way what’s your status on the portal?
Original post by Kareemroushdi
Yeah that might be it. By the way what’s your status on the portal?

The Portal status shows under review by degree committee. I received an email stating: Following interview and consideration, we have made a recommendation to the Board of Graduate Studies that you are offered a place on the programme.” I am not sure whether it means they are still debating whether I am a good fit.
Original post by virusofphoenix
The Portal status shows under review by degree committee. I received an email stating: Following interview and consideration, we have made a recommendation to the Board of Graduate Studies that you are offered a place on the programme.” I am not sure whether it means they are still debating whether I am a good fit.

Congratulations!! I think that means they’ll take you in. By the way, what’s your background and timeline?

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