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um, well having six cans will probably make you look as if you have been drinking.
some kids in year 9/10 take proplus with the tiny bit of alcohol they have because they think it makes them feel drunk/high, but uhhh idk maybe it's just caffeine buzz.
Reply 2
Kk, thanks :smile: We're 16 and 17, not in year 9 :p:
i assume proplus is somesort of caffeine thing. What happens is that the caffeine counter-acts the drowzy affects of the alcohol and makes you hyper and drunk. thats why vodka and redbull is good
Kk, thanks :smile: We're 16 and 17, not in year 9 :p:

didn't say you were, but that's nice.
why anon?
Reply 5
Sorry watermelon! Didn't mean to be offensive or anything :ashamed:
Umm, because I haven't used it before and it's exciting. (um, yeah, that sounds spazzed doesn't it :biggrin:)
Sorry watermelon! Didn't mean to be offensive or anything :ashamed:
Umm, because I haven't used it before and it's exciting. (um, yeah, that sounds spazzed doesn't it :biggrin:)

can people use the anon just for the sake of it? i thought it was for when people had really personal or embarrassing problems they didn't want other users or people finding out about.
Reply 7
watermelon sugar
can people use the anon just for the sake of it? i thought it was for when people had really personal or embarrassing problems they didn't want other users or people finding out about.

:horse: Calm down woman!
I'm sure I've read somewhere that it's extremely dangerous - If not life threatening - To mix proplus (or any caffiene-base) with alcohol.
Spotty Dog
I'm sure I've read somewhere that it's extremely dangerous - If not life threatening - To mix proplus (or any caffiene-base) with alcohol.

I always wondered why I felt like a dead man after drinking Vodka and Red Bull, but that got to be it! :eek:

Reply 10
Meh, coffee and rum is the drink of kings. It shouldn't do you any damage, I often drink straight after taking pro-plus and similar.
Caffeine and energy drinks/stimulants mask the effects of alcohol, making you feel less drunk than you are, which sounds good but can be quite a dangerous thing.

Also.... only 6 cans? Hmm....
Caffeine and energy drinks/stimulants mask the effects of alcohol, making you feel less drunk than you are, which sounds good but can be quite a dangerous thing.

Also.... only 6 cans? Hmm....

What he said.
your still too young to be drinking at all. If police had found you, you'd have been arrested...
your still too young to be drinking at all. If police had found you, you'd have been arrested...

theres always one isn't there, learn to have some fun in life its not like everyones a mormon
theres always one isn't there, learn to have some fun in life its not like everyones a mormon

I'm not a mormon. And I have plenty of fun. I just don't get my kinck a potentially dangerous mixture of substances and criminal law-breaking. call me crazy.
I have a friend who used to go on Pro-Plus binges, eventually it would get to the point where he would eat about 40-50 tablets a day. However, towards the end of one of these binges he decided to drink some alcohol, from what I was told he only drank about half a can but shortly after passed out and woke up in a ditch...

I think he tried this a few more times actually, obviously reduces the amounts of both so he wouldn't pass out again but I remember him saying it did produce very wierd effects...Of course though, taking that many Pro-Plus is pretty dangerous.
I'm not a mormon. And I have plenty of fun. I just don't get my kinck a potentially dangerous mixture of substances and criminal law-breaking. call me crazy.

What caffeine and a pint? How can there be people who actually think like that, like whats wrong with you.
What caffeine and a pint? How can there be people who actually think like that, like whats wrong with you.

Mixing stimulants with depressants is potentially dangerous. simple.

drinking in public aged 16 is illegal

that how people can think like this.. it's called fact.

There's nothing wrong with me
Mixing stimulants with depressants is potentially dangerous. simple.

drinking in public aged 16 is illegal

that how people can think like this.. it's called fact.

There's nothing wrong with me

Umm... no it's not....

There are some rare examples where the local authority have put in place no drinking zones under the antisocial behaviour act 2003; these are few and far between however, and not specific to juveniles.

I wish it was, things would be much simpler.