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What to do if you messed up Year 13 mocks

I didn't do very well in my mocks in general, and some subjects were a let down.
Am I doomed? Especially if exams are cancelled, I'm not sure what I should do.

If anyone has been in my position, or knows what I should do all help is appreciated, I really want to change and get better, but I don't know what I need to do for that to happen
Reply 1
Exams are most likely not going to be cancelled in my opinion so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Use this as a learning experience. You've now had a go at revising for exams and maybe now you need to change your revision methods so you can do better in your actual exam. I would first start by going through exactly where and what topics you did worse in and start from there, building up to past paper questions. Also, you are not doomed; mocks are in no way representative of your actual performance unless you do nothing to improve. They are there for you so get used to exam conditions and figure out if your revision methods are effective. Most people improve hugely in their actual exams as opposed to their mocks!

Good luck!! :h:
Reply 2
Original post by coco:)
Exams are most likely not going to be cancelled in my opinion so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Use this as a learning experience. You've now had a go at revising for exams and maybe now you need to change your revision methods so you can do better in your actual exam. I would first start by going through exactly where and what topics you did worse in and start from there, building up to past paper questions. Also, you are not doomed; mocks are in no way representative of your actual performance unless you do nothing to improve. They are there for you so get used to exam conditions and figure out if your revision methods are effective. Most people improve hugely in their actual exams as opposed to their mocks!

Good luck!! :h:

Thanks a lot for your advice, I definitely will do that! But, me being the overthinker I am, I'm still worried about the possibility of exams being cancelled and my grades being based on the mocks. Is there anything I can do or is it now just a waiting game to find out what happens?
I didn't do very well in my mocks in general, and some subjects were a let down.
Am I doomed? Especially if exams are cancelled, I'm not sure what I should do.

If anyone has been in my position, or knows what I should do all help is appreciated, I really want to change and get better, but I don't know what I need to do for that to happen

Go and have a talk with each subject teacher on Monday and ask for their help/advce about how to revise and what you are doing wrong. In the meantime -
Reply 4
Thanks a lot for your advice, I definitely will do that! But, me being the overthinker I am, I'm still worried about the possibility of exams being cancelled and my grades being based on the mocks. Is there anything I can do or is it now just a waiting game to find out what happens?

I had TAGs last year and they were not solely based on my Year 13 mocks - we had more assessments after. Even if you were to have TAGs and have extra assessments, wouldn't you feel better if you had started revision for them and improving now? Don't worry about whether you will have actual exams or TAGs, work hard and it will pay off either way :smile: If you are still worried ask the years above (the ones that have just left) how their TAGs were assessed this will give you a bearing for what to expect if they are cancelled, though I suggest not to dwell on that for too long and to just focus on improving!
Reply 5
Original post by McGinger
Go and have a talk with each subject teacher on Monday and ask for their help/advce about how to revise and what you are doing wrong. In the meantime -

Will do that, thanks a lot for your help and for the link
Reply 6
Original post by coco:)
I had TAGs last year and they were not solely based on my Year 13 mocks - we had more assessments after. Even if you were to have TAGs and have extra assessments, wouldn't you feel better if you had started revision for them and improving now? Don't worry about whether you will have actual exams or TAGs, work hard and it will pay off either way :smile: If you are still worried ask the years above (the ones that have just left) how their TAGs were assessed this will give you a bearing for what to expect if they are cancelled, though I suggest not to dwell on that for too long and to just focus on improving!

Yeah, you are right, doesn't matter what happens, if I put in work now it will pay off. Thanks a lot! I wish you the best as well :smile:
Reply 7
Yeah, you are right, doesn't matter what happens, if I put in work now it will pay off. Thanks a lot! I wish you the best as well :smile:
Hi, so how did everything go?
Reply 8
Original post by omimar
Hi, so how did everything go?

Didnt do great on my mocks, but ended up doing a lot better in the real thing! Its completely possible to change everything, doesnt matter how late you start as long as you start!

Now im my second year of university!

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