The Student Room Group

I want to stop hitting my boyfriend

Anon or delete. Everytime my boyfriend annoys me, I end up hitting him across the face, and he never fights back. I don't mean to and I know I have issues with anger, but he really gets on my nerves sometimes with the things he says to me. How can I get over this, as I really want to stay with him, but without the violence.

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Reply 1
I think you need to grow a back bone. You know violence is not the answer but you do it anyway - it's pathetic. If I was him I would leave you while I still had my self respect and I would be grateful that I has escaped while I could.

Obviously this is not what you want him to feel about you. But nobody on TSR can give you the answer; you need to grow up and realise what you have before he does.
dump him before he dumps you.
He needs to start telling you to stop it.
Reply 4
ooh kinky.

maybe he enjoys it.
All you can do is STOP.

If he annoys you, tell him that what he said was unfair/hurtful/stupid OR remind yourself that you are too easily annoyed and live with it. Calm down, and deal with the situation like an adult.
Reply 6
Solution: Stay your hand, you slapper. :p:
Reply 7
He needs to start telling you to stop it.

Why should he have to!?
Make him hit you back when you do it? Would probably deter you although it's just a case of if he's willing...hmm.
Reply 9
Have you tried not hitting him?

Seriously, women like you piss me off. Men these days are drowned in PC. I don't care what gender hits me... they'd stop after the first hit. End of. Your boyfriend needs some balls.
Great responses so far.

Anyway anon, what you are doing is a form of domestic abuse. But well done for admitting it to yourself.

You need to speak to someone about this, your GP would be the best bet. Or you can use the web and look at anger management helpsites/domestic abuse help.

Not only do you need to seek help for your boyfriend but also for youself.

Good luck.
Have you tried not hitting him?

Seriously, women like you piss me off. Men these days are drowned in PC. I don't care what gender hits me... they'd stop after the first hit. End of. Your boyfriend needs some balls.

Rightly so!
Reply 12
Have you tried not hitting him?

Seriously, women like you piss me off. Men these days are drowned in PC. I don't care what gender hits me... they'd stop after the first hit. End of. Your boyfriend needs some balls.

this post made me lol.. for all the right reasons.
what does he do that makes you want to hit him? Also how hard is it really, i mean is it a pretty damn hard slap across the face or just, to him, a little nudge. I mean does he look in pain when you do it? If it isn't hard to him maybe he thinks it's like a joke or something.

Anyway though seriously you should stop yourself before it gets worse, just try and put yourself in his shoes before you hit him, would you like someone to punch you in the face just because you annoyed him a little bit or nagged them a tiny bit?
what does he do that makes you want to hit him?
This is the first question that came into my head, what does he say to you to evoke such a violent response?
If he doesn't protest, maybe he enjoys it. I sure do.
Maybe he likes showing off that he isn't affected/it doesn't hurt. Maybe strong women turn him on.
Why should he have to!?

Well.. I think it's bad that a girl can go around hitting her boyfriend and him have to take it. Why be with him then?
Reply 18
it reminds me of a korean film 我的野蛮女友...the same situaton like you
Ouch. Just try to keep your hands in your pockets, or something.

ooh kinky.

maybe he enjoys it.
