The Student Room Group

Audio Revision?

Does anyone know of any sites where you can get like audio files to put on your iPod? I learn quite well by listening to things, so I just thought it would be good to listen to on the bus or whatever.

I'm specifically looking for Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Geography.

I've seen some on this site: but it costs, but something like that sample track is what I'm looking for. Thanks!
I did it with my History GCSE.

I downloaded some conversations based on the topics and then made some notes, was quite effective as it seemed more vivid than just reading and I learned a few new things.


Sorry I forgot to answer your question, I used the BBC Bitesize website but they don't do A-level, they may have some for the Scottish highers which could be relevant or exapnd your knowledge.
I did it with my History GCSE.

I downloaded some conversations based on the topics and then made some notes, was quite effective as it seemed more vivid than just reading and I learned a few new things.


Sorry I forgot to answer your question, I used the BBC Bitesize website but they don't do A-level, they may have some for the Scottish highers which could be relevant or exapnd your knowledge.

Thanks for the reply, I found the 16+ section on Bitesize, but unfortunately I couldn't find any audio. Thanks anyway!
Reply 3
Yeah some audio revision things would be really good, i seem to have really good audio re-call with songs and the like and to have all the things i need on my ipod at my finger tips would be perfect.
I got a dicktor phone and spoke all my revision stuff and listened to it while revising and sleeping.
You can just put your text into speech with some simple software.
You can just put your text into speech with some simple software.

Really?? What software is this? I would find that really handy. Thanks!

Thanks everyone, I might get a dictaphone but just the thought of listening my own voice makes me cringe haha!
Really?? What software is this? I would find that really handy. Thanks!

Thanks everyone, I might get a dictaphone but just the thought of listening my own voice makes me cringe haha!

Ummm.. i have 'Free NaturalReader 2008'
and its free :biggrin:
Reply 8

It's a great site.
Try GetRevising - they'll turn any typed notes on the site into podcasts for you and some users have uploaded podcasts for some topics anyway.
Original post by strawberry_princess

Original post by strawberry_princess
Thanks for the reply, I found the 16+ section on Bitesize, but unfortunately I couldn't find any audio. Thanks anyway!

Hi there, you could check out my Creative Revision Blog - In the first episode, I demonstrate, step-by-step how to convert your text notes into speech, organise and manage it effectively, then sync it to a free music track that I've given away with the app!!! All free - No Catch, really!

Then, listen, absorb and learn!!!

All in the name of learning - check it out at