Hello, my calculator doesn't seem to show any reocurring decimals. Every time I put in my equation in class everyone else has the answer as a reocurring decimal and mine comes up as a whole decimal. Does anyone know how to change it to make it do so? Thanks
Hello, my calculator doesn't seem to show any reocurring decimals. Every time I put in my equation in class everyone else has the answer as a reocurring decimal and mine comes up as a whole decimal. Does anyone know how to change it to make it do so? Thanks
not too sure but check that it's in degrees and not radians maybe? the d or r at the top left corner
It's a useless feature tbh. If you're using it for GCSE then that only comes up on non-calc exams, if this is for A-level then there's never any questions about converting recurring decimals to fractions.
It's a useless feature tbh. If you're using it for GCSE then that only comes up on non-calc exams, if this is for A-level then there's never any questions about converting recurring decimals to fractions.
I think they mean instead of the calculator saying 2.6 recurring it will say 2.6666666667
Hello, my calculator doesn't seem to show any reocurring decimals. Every time I put in my equation in class everyone else has the answer as a reocurring decimal and mine comes up as a whole decimal. Does anyone know how to change it to make it do so? Thanks
The Casio fx-991EX doesn't display a recurring decimal and doesn't have a setting to change to this. I assume your classmates have different calculators?
The Casio fx-991EX doesn't display a recurring decimal and doesn't have a setting to change to this. I assume your classmates have different calculators?
yes they do however my teacher has the exact same that allows them to see reocurring decimals however refused to help me as she is stubborn. So basically i want to know if anyone knows which setting or something i can change it to be?