The Student Room Group

Bankside halls vs Garden halls LSE accommodation

I am considering which accommodation I should choose between Bankside and Garden halls as an LSE student. I have heard that Bankside is the best all around in terms of social life, food etc.. however garden halls seems to have a really good social life, is much more modern than Bankside and since it includes UCL and King's students could create a potential for more friends!

However, I do worry with Garden Halls, since it is largely UCL students, that LSE students that are not invited to UCL events for example in freshers week, will become isolated and will feel lonely.

If anyone has any advice about these halls (pros and cons) please let me know!
Reply 1
Hey! I’ll be joining LSE for 2022/23 and I’ve applied for Garden Halls so if you’re worried about the small population of LSE students in Garden Halls and it’s social aspects, I’ve made a thread for LSE students at Garden Halls so we could all connect!
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 2
Original post by Kokky
Hey! I’ll be joining LSE for 2022/23 and I’ve applied for Garden Halls so if you’re worried about the small population of LSE students in Garden Halls and it’s social aspects, I’ve made a thread for LSE students at Garden Halls so we could all connect!

Hey I ended up going for Bankside in the end! But thanks so much for the offer :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
Hey I ended up going for Bankside in the end! But thanks so much for the offer :smile:

Hi, how do you find bankside? I've applied to join next year so if possible, could you give me a review on it?
Original post by Kokky
Hey! I’ll be joining LSE for 2022/23 and I’ve applied for Garden Halls so if you’re worried about the small population of LSE students in Garden Halls and it’s social aspects, I’ve made a thread for LSE students at Garden Halls so we could all connect!

How are you finding garden halls as an LSE student?
Bankside atrocious go to garden halls or even better go ucl trust bro
Reply 6
Original post by oliver_moorby
Bankside atrocious go to garden halls or even better go ucl trust bro

Anyone would like Garden halls ensuite accom to swap for bankside or rosebury?? pm or message me here pls/