If you would like an opinion about Screenology?
Just my personal opinion!
Sure it's not for everybody, it is a very unique University that is not like others. Every year the style and organization structure changes a little which can be irritating at times. And also things can be last-minute which disrupts the flow and you can miss out.
However, one thing Screenology does very well in my view is it teaches you to be self-sufficient. You will not be told what to do or told how to do things.
That may not sound very appealing or helpful at first but it is actually a very realistic way of preparing students for the industry and the world.
You will never be told what to do anywhere and usually, it's harder when you have no one to help you. Here students go on a journey together and help each. And the staff are there to guide every step of the way.
You learn by trying things out and Screeno have the tools to provide that. This Uni will not tell how, where, and when to do things.
They will present you with many opportunities to meet and collaborate with people and then to go out and try every aspect of the film industry.
Yes, Screeno does have more benefits for certain jobs like Directing, Editing, Camera operating or Sound Recording. But this Uni is only 6 years old and if you have any issues or problems about anything. You are welcome to bring these issues up with the staff team and they point in the right direction. And even if you are still not happy, then they can help you find another path that works for you.
Screeno does work FOR you, they work WITH you!
Here, Screeno also has a great supportive wellbeing team here that offers free therapy sessions for anybody.
Things will not be handed to you on a plate. That's not realistic!
Plus Bristol is amazing!