I’ve never been one to hate life so much. It’s all because of my pgce experience.
I’ve even worked a full time job at the same time as my degree. That was hard work but I never hated my day to day life this much. Every time I wake up in the morning, I can't wait until I get home so that I can tick the day off. I feel like I am counting my life away. I refuse to give the course up because I've already done a term. However I am utterly exhausted, and I feel like I have turned into a really depressed, negative insecure person.
My first placement was okay. The school had behaviour issues but I could deal with it. It was just boring being there everyday and the staff were very cliquey. But regardless, I just went with it and pushed through the first term and thought i’d enjoy my second one better.
The problem with my second placement is my mentor. He’s constantly nit picking small things like joining when handwriting, not marking books at lunch time because there’s ‘other’ things that need to be done. I’ve walked into the classroom with him and his ta (who never actually does anything to help when I teach but i’m constantly told I need to direct other adults in the room to meet the standards) talking and suddenly they go silent. The conversation gets turned to something random like ‘what you having for lunch’. I’ve cried in the bathroom too many times. My work life balance is total ****. Having to be in an hour before and being given the side eye if you leave before 5. Being assessed against crap teachers standards that experienced teachers struggle to do. I’m honestly tired of it. It’s endless and miserable. No wonder people don’t go into teaching after their PGCE. It really isnt worth it
Side note: My uni wouldn’t do anything about it because they always support the schools and say ‘PGCE year is difficult’. They’re horrendous with listening and solving problems.
I’m 100% sure I won’t ever teach again. The plan is to push through this year and leave this profession forever. I’ve always heard pgce year is hard but I didn’t think it would be hard because of people around me. Is anyone else not enjoying their pgce year?