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why is it so weird to talk about masturbating

why???????????? (among girls) compared to boys constantly talking about it with their friends?

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Original post by Anonymous
why???????????? (among girls) compared to boys constantly talking about it with their friends?

Probably a misconception that women don't want sex/pleasure and things like the porn industry being aimed more at men? :beard:
... .... do you really think guys sit about all day comparing Hand Solo stories? :tongue:
Reply 3
Original post by BurstingBubbles
Probably a misconception that women don't want sex/pleasure and things like the porn industry being aimed more at men? :beard:

surely we live in a more progressive society
Reply 4
Original post by StriderHort
... .... do you really think guys sit about all day comparing Hand Solo stories? :tongue:

well from being friends with guys, yeah they do talk about pornstars quite frequently and all that stuff
Original post by StriderHort
... .... do you really think guys sit about all day comparing Hand Solo stories? :tongue:

Depends on their age. I remember when I was at secondary school overhearing plenty of those conversations :rolleyes:
Original post by Anonymous
surely we live in a more progressive society

I think things are getting better, and more people do talk about it and there are more products made and spoken about for women. But there's still a way to go yet!
do boys talk abt it that much? it's kind of sad and weird when anyone talks about it... I guess the reason it's shameful is cos it implies u can't get any actual action
Reply 7
I’m not sure all guys do talk about it. And what about girls, where owning a sex toy is widely viewed as an essential item
Original post by Anonymous
well from being friends with guys, yeah they do talk about pornstars quite frequently and all that stuff

I wouldn't say never, but deffo not constantly, I would take several steps away from someone who brought that up all the time and I wouldn't accept any food or drink they handed me, I'd make a scene over it.
Original post by BurstingBubbles
Depends on their age. I remember when I was at secondary school overhearing plenty of those conversations :rolleyes:

Your school is gross :tongue:

Then again I do recall one kid in the changing rooms covering himself with tippex in a misguided attempt to fit in, so yeah, they are out there :tongue:
Reply 9
Lots of lads talk about it. Girls, perhaps are more prudish and aren't as sexual as us lads :wink:
Original post by StriderHort
Your school is gross :tongue:

Then again I do recall one kid in the changing rooms covering himself with tippex in a misguided attempt to fit in, so yeah, they are out there :tongue:

What? He covered himself in Tippex to become white? Tippex, that'd take ages, why not just get paint...
Sexual liberation is stigmatized in reference to women, compared to men who are hailed for sexual debauchery.

Man with multiple sex partners= player
Woman with multiple sexes partners= wh0re

And masturbation is categorized as sexual acts so a lot of women keep it to themselves or only really discuss it with their female friends as when they discuss it with men, can be misconstrued as the woman hitting on the man and indirectly communicated as "I'm available because I'm talking about masturbation to you"
Original post by SMEGGGY
What? He covered himself in Tippex to become white? Tippex, that'd take ages, why not just get paint...

Not head to toe, more just splashed his meat & veg and thighs in an attempt to convince others than manhood had arrived... to this day I'm not sure if it was a joke...
Lmao I don't talk about masturbation with my friends.:lolwut: I have no business knowing what my friends are doing with their genitalia behind closed doors.
Original post by StriderHort
... .... do you really think guys sit about all day comparing Hand Solo stories? :tongue:

not out of the realm of possibility with my friend group lol.
Original post by SterlingArchery
do boys talk abt it that much? it's kind of sad and weird when anyone talks about it... I guess the reason it's shameful is cos it implies u can't get any actual action

I'd guess on average, once or twice a day for the average teenage male. I dont talk about it myself, mostly cause i'm super introverted irl and dont like myself.
Original post by Ethane_the_pug
not out of the realm of possibility with my friend group lol.

It's the 'all day' bit I find fault. I've met a lot of kooky people over the years, but none who have jerking off as their go-to conversation topic :tongue:
Most of the girls I talk to are quite open about that kind of thing even when talking to me, but I guess they are are an exception and not the norm (I don't know why or how it comes into conversation but it does...I'm certainly not the one who brings it up)

It really seems weird to talk abut this kind of thing though male or female
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by StriderHort
It's the 'all day' bit I find fault. I've met a lot of kooky people over the years, but none who have jerking off as their go-to conversation topic :tongue:

its a point of pride in my friend groups. usually keep a scoreboard on who can go the most times in a row, consecutively
Original post by SterlingArchery
do boys talk abt it that much? it's kind of sad and weird when anyone talks about it... I guess the reason it's shameful is cos it implies u can't get any actual action

Doesn't imply that at all, maturation isn't just about sexual gratification it actually relieves tension and stress

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