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Reply 1
You can book up university open days for this summer from about now, so I would say that now is a good time to start.
I am in yr12 and was wondering when you should start to look at unis, go to open days etc :s:

I went to my first open day (LSE) in March of Y12. It's best to go to as many open days as possible, from as early on as possible - while you still have the time and the inclination!

Have a look on
Whenever you want. Don't wait around, the sooner the better if you know what course/main area you're interested in. I started looking at the beginning of sixth form really and ordered one or two prospectuses (even though they were 2004 entry) for universities I was initially interested in. I did apply to two of them (Durham and Exeter) but not the others (UCL and Bristol).

Open days usually happen around June - September, and dates can probably be found on university websites. :smile:

UCAS fairs/conventions are held at loads of universities around the country too - I went to one in April and picked up loads of prospectuses, meaning I nearly broke my arm off when I walked home...:biggrin: The UCAS website has details. :smile:

The sooner you start, the longer you have to make the right choice. Although sometimes I do think I didn't think about my course choice properly, but I think that's just a phase (hope, I mean).
Reply 4
okies thanks :top: :biggrin:
You could start during the summer.
Reply 6
I started looking around now, although I had made up my mind quite early about what I wanted to do. Most universities run their first open days between April and July, and then have a second open day at September/October time. I went to my first open day in April when I was in year 12, and then most of the rest in June/July. I was relatively organised compared to most other people in my year, as I was ready to apply as soon as I came back in year 13 after summer, whereas most people had only just sorted out going on open days.

You should have a Higher Education convention at your local uni/college soon, where there will be stands from most universities andyou can ask them questions and pick up prospectuses. I'd definitely reccomend going, its exprememly useful.
Yeah, I was like Chicken. Most people went back to school in Year 13 not even knowing what university was :rofl:
I am in yr12 and was wondering when you should start to look at unis, go to open days etc :s:

Start right now.
Yeah, I was like Chicken. Most people went back to school in Year 13 not even knowing what university was :rofl:

Yeah its frightening how little research most people do combined with how ignorant they are to start with.
Reply 10
I know someone who was thinking they might like to go to Cambridge/Oxford so had a look around informally during half term in Year 11.

They like what they saw, found out requirements regarding subjects expected for particular degree course and planned everything from there on in.

They were very focussed but then they did know what they wanted to study as an undergraduate. Ended up getting an offer 2 years later!
Year 11? That is a bit early.
No it isn't, not if you're sure of what you want to do. The more time the better imo. It still gives you time to change your mind as well.
Fair enough.
If we should start looking about now, when should we have made our decisions by?
Maybe by the end of summer 2005, as you will be applying in september.
I'd say start looking around April, as that is when unis start to have open days in general, but don't worry about starting to write you personal statement or filling in forms at least until after your AS levels. Tbh, I wouldn't do too much of the application to early on as I found myself writing a personal statemnet in about July for Maths, soon deciding to do Engineering so re-writing it, then changing my mind again to Maths and Philosophy in about September :redface: . In the end I wrote my final copy in about 2 days, sent it off straight away and was much happier with it than I was with any of my others. Wasn't the ideal course of events!
Start writing your personal statement and filling in the form during the summer holiday. Then you will be ready to send the form when you get back to school/college.
Reply 18
I started looking seriously around about now last year. Although I had been on the UCAs website since the start of college and looking at courses that I might like etc.
I would advise going to the open days in april time and then again if you can get the time off college at the beggining of next year (school year) to ask any questions you have and just to be sure of your choices.
Start writing your personal statement and filling in the form during the summer holiday. Then you will be ready to send the form when you get back to school/college.

ummm I did exactly that but only managed to send off my form on 6th October :frown: