The Student Room Group

Undergraduate Cambridge Offer Holders (2022 Entry)

Hi everyone! I thought it'd be nice/useful to have a thread for people who have been accepted by Cambridge this year. Please introduce yourselves with your course and college, and what you're looking forward to about starting university :smile:
(edited 2 years ago)

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Hi! Thanks for starting this thread :smile:

I'm Christie and I'll hopefully be studying English at Downing. I'm so excited to live in such a beautiful place and study my favourite subject literally at the university where so many of my favourite authors studied! I'm also really looking forward to being part of an individual college with its own history, colours and traditions, and dressing up for formals even though it seems like a silly thing
heyy people,

I'm at Downing college for medicine.
Personally, I'm tired of being the 'smart' one in the class so i'm glad cambridge took me on so i can finally feel normal. That's what im looking forward to.


I’m Penelope and I’ll hopefully be studying law at Girton. I’m most excited about learning more about my subject and meeting loads of I interesting bright people :smile:
I'll be studying Natural Sciences at Gonville and Caius. I'm really looking forward to meeting like minded people and learning loads more stuff about the subjects I love
Hi! I’ll be studying Anglo Saxon, Norse and Celtic at St Catharine’s :smile:
Hi! I've an offer for linguistics at Gonville and Caius :smile:
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 7
Hi, I have an offer for natsci at medwards!
Hii, I got a conditional offer for maths at Christ's!
Hi! I have an offer for English at St Catharine's :smile:
Reply 10
hey, i have an offer for law at st. catharines :smile:
Hi, I have an offer for Law at Queens'! :smile:
Hey - I have an offer for English at Caius - I haven't found anyone else for my course + college combo on here!
Reply 13
Hi!! I've got an offer for architecture at Girton. If there's anyone that's got something similar going on lmkk :smile:
Hi everyone! Congrats on your offers. I received one for PBS at Homerton :smile:
One thing that intrigues me is do universities like Cambridge only give out as many offers as they have spaces for? Do they expect a certain percentage to not meet the grades and over offer? Just wondering if there could ever be a scenario where everyone met their offer requirements and there wasn’t enough accommodation etc?
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Anonneemouse
One thing that intrigues me is do universities like Cambridge only give out as many offers as they have spaces for? Do they expect a certain percentage to not meet the grades and over offer? Just wondering if there could ever be a scenario where everyone met their offer requirements and there wasn’t enough accommodation etc?

I believe they slightly over offer like 1.3 offers per space, but most people a. firm Cambridge and b. meet their offer so it is usually quite exact.

In the scenario that more people than anticipated don't meet their offer they will a. offer them a place regardless or b. pick someone else from the summer pool

The exception to the offer ratio is maths which is like 3 offers per space and that is because many people don't meet the STEP requirement. I imagine in that instance it isn't possible for everyone to meet the offer anyways since I'm guessing STEP scores have a distribution so only a certain number of people can get an S or a 1, but not 100% sure on that bit :smile:
Does anyone else think they won’t meet their offer? I honestly don’t think I’m going to get the grades… :frown:
Original post by amethystmoss
Does anyone else think they won’t meet their offer? I honestly don’t think I’m going to get the grades… :frown:

Yeah me too. Well, Imperial is not a bad uni either.
Original post by amethystmoss
Does anyone else think they won’t meet their offer? I honestly don’t think I’m going to get the grades… :frown:

I hope I will but definitely nervous about it!

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